Search results

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    Pre-registration now open for language courses at IES Lenguas Vivas! (I’m in charge of Japanese)

    Starting yesterday, pre-registration is open for language courses in Arabic, German, French, English, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, and Russian, available for those with prior knowledge. Registration closes on February 12 at 3:00 PM. These courses are free as part of the public language...
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    On June 29th, Japanese Movie in Lenguas Vivas

    If you want see a Japanese Movie, speaking in Japanese with subtitled in Spanish. Here you can fill your data. See you on June 29th at 1620 or 1805. Invitamos al #CiclodeCINEJAPONES #LenguasVivas MIÉRCOLES 29 de junio a las 16.20 y a las 18.05 (Hay dos funciones) El...
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    Recommend A Nanny And Housekeeper

    Hi, I have an Argentinian nanny- housekeeper and her daughter (23 years old) wants to work as well. I know well her from 4 years old and good person, not so quick and inteligence, but the best thing in Argentina is to be a good and calm person to have inside the house for the security. She has...
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    CATALAN is here? please contact !

    I am looking for a Catalan, living in Buenos Aires, since months or one year ago, for documentary project to make him interview please contact the person or someone has info please send me a line to [email protected]
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    What to do in Buenos Aires

    Here is my blog in the web site of Japananese Lonley planet (How to walk around the world) I am writing about Buenos Aires, Argentina for Japanese travelers. Off course in Japananese, but you can put it in google translater or something. I love...
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    need an English teacher for kids!

    Does anyone know of an English teacher for my daughters (10 and 11 years old with some knowledge in school)? I would like the teacher to come to Palermo in the morning, and aprox. one hour lesson focused in oral and free writing. I hope that you can gets friend and they acquire English playing...
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    Paper Crane for Peace

    We are Fundacion Sadako which dedicate to make friends, make peace thinking envirment, starting Peace Sprit from Hiroshima. So that, we will get together people to make paper crane for peace. next class will be held in La Biblioteca La Reina Batata of Buenos Aires...
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    Colonia de Vacaciones - Summer School of Buenos Aires city

    If you have child, what are you going to in this summer? I have just registered my daughters (9 and 10 years old) in Colonia de Vacaciones of Buenos Aires City 2012. (Parque Manuel Belgrano -KDT behind of Paseo Alcorta Shopping) I went to Berutti and Coronel diaz, Palermo city office with my...
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    Happy Mother s Day!

    Mums, I hope that you have had or are having a good day in Buenos Aires, Happy Mothers Day!
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    rent small room in an antique department , old city of Buenos Aires

    My friend has an antique department house near from Av. 9 de Julio and Av. de Mayo, good access to travel any part of Buenos Aires by bus and subway. As his parents have died, he lives alone and rent two small rooms. Ricardo is an Argentinian Japanese Journalist so speak Spanish, Japanese and...
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    Photos and Video

    If you need something differente pictures and promotional video please contact with us!!!
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    Japanese Art Festival in Av. de Mayo 575

    From Tuesday to Sunday, 14 to 20 hrs, you can visit a little Japan in the midtown of Buenos Aires. Japanse Art Festival is held in Casa de la Cultura of the Ministry of Culture of Buenos Aires City Goverment on Av. de Mayo 575. (Cross the innner garden and get down into the Secod Groud Floor)...
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    Corrientes and Maipu - best location in Buenos Aires

    An Argentinian friend of mine has an furnished aparment house in Corrientes and Maipu. There are two rooms (one bedroom has two single beds which you can use as one, and in living room one sofa cama, and kitchen and bath room, Internet with views from 16 th floor in the center area. Nothig for...
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    Pregnant women Embarazadas please take care

    Please take care, pregnant chicas, because of this pandemia, Particular Influ, Gripe A. New Minister of Health declared las Embarazadas do not have to go out and even not to go to work, excepto to go to hospital or Sanitario.
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    Buenos Aires events

    On Sunday May 31th, from 2 to 4pm Outdoor Milonga (Tango party) around May Pyramid in Plaza de Mayo, Microcentro From 5 pm A Tango Musical, El Tango se viste de la Moda Entrance free and no charge The organization will accept school ulitities for children with Down Syndrome.
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    Your Favorites in Palermo Soho and Hollywood?

    Would you like to let me know your favorite places in Palermo Soho and Hollywood? I want to recommend botiques, cafes and restaurants, maybe hotel in Palermo Soho and Palermo Hollywood to my friends comming soon. I know some but I would like to know more from other points of view. Any category...
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    Group or Family arrinving or with many luggages

    Hi, Mr. Juan Carlos has a big Sprinter (VAN) so if you or your friend are a group or family, or with many luggages, you can ask him to pick you up in Ezeiza, Buenos Aires International Airport, or drinving to far from the city as like San Antonio de Areco (here is a great argentinian traditional...
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    San Antonio de Areco on July 13th

    On this Sunday July 13 th, I am going to San Antonio de Areco in special to Estancia Bamba Chica with Japanese TV shooting team. This is very good colonial style house and lovely people and Mr. Martin is a top GAUCHO who can show DOMA INDIA- and on this Sunday...
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    Do you want to organize English/Spanish Conversation Group?

    Hello, my life partner has a resto bar in Palermo Hollywood (Niceto Vega y Humbolt ) and says wellcome to those who want to celebrate cultural group event or English / Spanish /maybe other lauguages or some activities group which is looking for a place. It is a bar but has some comparments...
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    Saturday afternoon in Japanese Garden

    I am going to go to the Japanese Garden - Jardin Japones - in Palermo with my daugthers (5 and 6 years old) on this Saturday March 22th after 13 oclock If you want to join with us please send you msg or you can find us very easy as we are Japaneses speaking in Japanese.