Search results

  1. G

    Air Conditioner install

    Hi, Anyone have a recommendation for a person that installs and repairs air conditioners? I can't get anyone to show up... Thanks,
  2. G

    Dollar trade at 5.60 ??

    I was reading an article about the black market trade of dollars reaching 5.60 yesterday. (of course I can't find it now) And my accountant friend told me about it as well and told me to sell some dollars today, and said that I should check several places. So I went to the three places I know...
  3. G

    Unaffected Middle Class

    I live in what I consider a very middle class to upper middle class neighborhood in Barrio Norte. My block is full of one and two bedroom apartments. Nothing fancy. With today's prices, most people remain unchanged. They all have maids, children in private schools, they travel abroad, wear the...
  4. G

    Pharmaceutical drugs

    Going to buy some pharmaceutical drugs for some friends, because they are cheaper here than in the US. (ie Crestor, etc. ) Normally I would just go to Farmacity and buy everything there. Since I buying more than usual, are there places to buy these cheaper? Or all drug prices pretty much the...
  5. G

    Huge electric bill

    Just got a huge electric bill. It makes no sense, since I have not run the air conditioner in more than a month. 200% more than the one during summer. It seems to be without subsidy. Last time they gave me a choice to pay without subsidy or with. This one does not offer that option. Any idea...
  6. G

    EU office bombed

    I wonder who would bomb the EU offices? Maybe too many people suspects. Not much news about it.
  7. G

    Ex-patriots or expatriates

    From the NY Times I think we knew this anyway... ••• The Mark Cross name had some glamour attached to it; it was owned by Gerald Murphy’s family — Murphy and his wife, Sara, ex-patriots living in France in the ’20s...
  8. G

    Moving Sale: general stuff

    Hi, Continuation of my pre-moving sale. I will try and keep these to a minimum of postings. But I have few things left and almost ready to go. Photos are here or Computer...
  9. G

    Pre-Moving Sale general stuff

    Hi, I have some stuff I am trying to sell before I go. Email me directly at: [email protected] or PM me. Try not to answer here. Photos here or: Computer Desk: Computer desk with drawer for the...
  10. G


    I love the idea of streaming live TV from the US, but I have only had limited success. I was able to watch "Dancing with the Stars" live tonight, however that was not what I wanted to watch. I wanted to watch a special on PBS, but it kept giving me an error. Anyone else have any success with...
  11. G

    No more Valium

    My normal routine of renewing my prescriptions, I was told there was no valium in BA. Seven pharmacies later I found some generic valium in quantities of 20. They held the last 20 for me until I could get to Belgrano. OK,Valium is not a cancer drug and I am a hoarder of drugs so I am not...
  12. G

    One thing still cheaper than US

    Nice comparison of cost of medical procedures in Argentina vs. US in the Washington Post. For me, medical access and costs are one of the thing great about Argentina. I have had nothing but good experiences here, but I am sure there are horror stories. I just have horror stories about the US...
  13. G


    Yesterday I received a notice that Correo Argentino tried to deliver a "Carta Certificada" (I was home at the time indicated, so they didn't try very hard) This notice is mostly illegible, so I am trying to figure out what to do. The guy did check the box "retirar en el correo" but the rest is a...
  14. G

    One way tickets out

    Hi, I am trying find a ticket to US in May (Charlotte, NC). Since I am not coming back to BA anytime soon, I would like to save some money and buy a one way ticket. Of course one way tickets are usually 300 dollars more than round trip tickets. I am carrying extra luggage too, so I was...
  15. G

    Macys international online

    You can now buy whatever you want on and have it shipped here to Argentina. They add the duty or taxes and guarantee that there will not be any further charges upon delivery. While you will need to pay HUGE tax and shipping charges, you CAN now order online and have it delivered...
  16. G

    Recommending an immigration lawyer

    I just finished my immigration process and now I'm a permanent resident. Not a easy process and years in the making, however I had a great lawyer who helped me through all the problems, delays, lost paperwork, and general BS. His charges are very REASONABLE. I really expected to pay much...
  17. G

    Where do you buy replacement coffee pots?

    I need to replace a broken glass coffee pot. Where can you buy replacements? I have a graveyard of old coffee machines, Phillips, Black & Decker, Electrolux, etc., all with broken coffee pots. I found one place, but they only sell Braum brand coffee pots. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.