Search results

  1. R

    Has anyone successfully transferred US dollars directly into your US dollar bank account in AR

    If you were able to do this what method did you use? I'm not here to debate the logic of this I'm simply asking if you have done this and how. I also realize I can receive it in pesos and then exchange to dollars but that's not my question either. Thanks for all your help.
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    The meeting at Velvet not Pinot for the meeting

    Pinot is closed so we are across the park at Velvet on j. SALGUERO...1803
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    Who has gotten citizenship in Argentina and your original citizenship and nationality is the USA?

    So, if you have done this what does you Argentine dni say under nationality? Does it now say Estadounidense or does it say Argentina? Also, what does your Argentine passport now say under nationality? Normally, depending on the country, nationality is usually the place you were born and so it...
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    Finally the EU signed the trade agreement with Mercosur!

    After decades it's finally done...with five countries: Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia and Uruguay
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    Need 2nd qdenga there a place you believe has it now?

    I got the first qdenga vaccine exactly 3 months ago and Helios Vacunas told me to come back today. Unfortunately, they no longer have any and they aren't sure anyone has it now! Is there a suggestion where I can get it anywhere in BA?
  6. R

    Anyone want to split a DHL envelope from the USA for cards I am sending in a few weeks?

    I do this once a year and decided to offer this for anyone needing to receive debit or credit cards from the USA to Buenos Aires. It usually costs about $120 for an express envelope. PM me and we can talk and arrange for you to mail them to my sister in Portland, Oregon who will then send by DHL...
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    Large Safe box for sale only 35,000 p

    This box was used by a friend for approximately 6 months before he moved out of the country. It is 42 cm x 31 cm x 17 cm which is large enough for most laptops and many other things. It has two keys that come with it. It has two screw holes on the back and two on the bottom for attachment to...
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    Safe deposit box for sale

    This box was used by a friend for approximately 6 months before he moved out of the country. It is 42 cm x 31 cm x 17 cm which is large enough for most laptops and many other things. It has two keys that come with it. It has two screw holes on the back and two on the bottom for attachment to...
  9. R

    What are wood shims called in Argentina and where do I get them.

    I need some know...the angled small pieces of wood used to level door and window frames...been to Easy and they don't have them and neither do tools supply stores. What are they called here? Where might I find them?
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    Does anyone have a good plumber referral?

    Hi all...I live in the Belgrano/Nunez area. Does anyone know a good plumber?
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    Does anyone know if critical care insurance is available in Argentina?

    I'm not talking about international policies. I'm talking about local insurance companies here in Argentina. Has anyone gotten that kind of policy or looked at them?
  12. R

    Anyone seen Greek kalamata olives here?

    Since it seems impossible to find regular black olives I can use these if I can find them. Any ideas?
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    Life and death question...has anyone seen relish?

    Any kind of pickle relish will do including that sweet pickle relish from Heinz that I use to see. Also, there is nothing on Mercado libre. I may resort to making it but would prefer to buy it
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    Has anyone ever ordered on AliExpress to be delivered here in BA?

    Just wondering what happens in customs for an order less than $40 USD...
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    Does anyone want to sell their used or unused deep fryer?

    Before I go out and buy one, I'll just ask if anyone wants to sell one of these they aren't using.
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    Local crypto exchange, Ripio closing my account

    Ripio contacted me after about a year with them and requested proof of my income. I provided my retirement letters, 2023 tax statements and 3 months of bank statements showing the deposits. They said they were closing my account because I have no income taxed in Argentina, lol. I have other...
  17. R

    New optical gamers keyboard for sale

    This is a rarity to be found in Argentina. From the gaming company Razer. It retailers in the USA for $160. I'm selling it for $50 Here are all the specs:
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    Barely used, Large Hand Press Juicer for sale

    About 8-9 months old but in new condition. They sell for between $60-80. It was a gift and is for sale at $30.
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    Rental of apartment questions

    So, I'm renewing my rental agreement again on my apartment. The owner wants to use the inflation rate as the escalating calculation for 3 month price increases. Of course, that number is for food, clothes, cars, fuel and a host of things that aren't apartment related so this is not a good number...
  20. R

    Samsung refrigerator for sale, 8 months old, half price!

    Samsung refrigerator model rt29k577js801 purchased new 8 months ago and in perfect shape. The owner has now moved out of the country and I'm selling it for half the original price. I went to 3 stores in BA and I'm using the lowest price I found of 782,999. The sales price is 390,000 pesos and...