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  1. C

    Hi There, Arriving Soon

    This surprises me - isn't BA supposed to be the plastic surgery capitol of the world? You'd think people so concerned with their appearance would have access to some great health/beauty products.
  2. C

    Hi There, Arriving Soon

    I already do most of my TV/movie watching by streaming. Just watching on a laptop -- I don't even bother with a TV. I think Hulu/Netflix should be accessible by way of a VPN with an annual fee? Hope so, anyway. If not, it's not a huge deal. I don't watch a whole lot anyway.
  3. C

    Hi There, Arriving Soon

    Word. Got it. Thanks.
  4. C

    Hi There, Arriving Soon

    On OTC meds - good to know. I'm not a flashy dresser by any means but I'm wondering if you can define "local urban cammo" for me?
  5. C

    Hi There, Arriving Soon

    Good to remember anywhere, I think. Thanks.
  6. C

    Hi There, Arriving Soon

    Hello! I will be starting a 2-year contract teaching at an international school in BsAs this August, moving from 7 years teaching at a US public high school. Thank you everyone who has provided such helpful information in these forums - I've been reading them for days. I am pretty sure I am all...