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  1. R

    Argentine Jokes

    How does an Argentinian commit suicide? ..........................................he jumps off his ego
  2. R

    Couple Of Days In The Countryside With Two Young Kids?

    I am trying to get some recommendations on a nice gettaway for a couple of days, not too far from the city that is suitable for young kids (9 months & 2,5 years) Any estancia or other kinds of suggestions? Thanks
  3. R

    Urgent: Need Super Broadband

    Peter, je kunt mij wel even via private mail mailen en dan kunnen we bellen. heb fibertel redelijk snel misschien lukt het. Groeten Rutger
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    Thanks SLG @syngirl, near Echeverria and Libertador. We have one 2 year old who we like to get to a Kindergarten, the other one is 4 months
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    Hi, which kindergarten/day care/crech would you recommend in Belgrano? Many thanks Rutger
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    Hi, arrived last week in Buenos Aires and are now living till mid December in Barrio Norte and probably will then move to Belgrano. We are a Dutch family (me, my wife and two daughter of 4 months and 2 years). We are looking for a babysitter, to look after the kids for 2 mornings and 1 afternoon...