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  1. A

    110V Appliances

    I expect to come back to Argentina at some point, and I'm going to bring some applicances (TV, PS3, Bluray Player, Router) and I want to know where you guys bought voltage converters for your appliances. Thanks!
  2. A

    Expat, But The Other Way Around!

    Hey, I'm an expat, but not like you guys, who are american, english, etc. and are living in Argentina. My case is totally the other way around, I'm an Argentine living in the US. Anyways, Hi! :)
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    Hernan Lorenzino (Minister Of Economy) ''me Quiero Ir''

    I don't know weather to laugh or cry I love how he even tries to respond the question and starts explaining what the INDEC is. Someone is getting hanged from the Obelisco tomorrow! :P