Search results

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    Baby Items For Sale

    just want to advise that i've sold everything! thanks.
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    Baby Items For Sale

    hi! i am returning back to the states next week and i need to get rid of a lot of baby items. all items are in excellent condition. here is a list of the things i am selling. if you are interested in any, please send me a message asap as i need these things off my hands in less than a week...
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    updated list of items for sale - moving sale

    the sony is a monitor but can be used as a TV, we use it as a TV.
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    Donation Organization?

    does anyone know of a donation organization where i can donate items such as clothes and shoes? preferably a place that will pick up goods, if possible. thanks!
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    updated list of items for sale - moving sale

    sold the coffee maker...
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    updated list of items for sale - moving sale

    here's an updated list of what we have left... we leave at the end of march. send me a message and i can send you photos & info on anything you are interested in. thanks! black 80gb ipod lastest generation U$S120 10 cup coffee maker $40p -(not available until the last week of march) xbox...
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    updated list of items for sale - moving sale

    made in china
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    updated list of items for sale - moving sale

    the ipod is 80gb. it's not an ipod touch, it's an ipod classic. it's used but like new.
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    updated list of items for sale - moving sale

    not sure what you mean? it's an apple ipod. the latest generation. 80gb. it's black.
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    updated list of items for sale - moving sale

    the pie dish is the standard 9inch i believe, and the casserole dish is small probably 9x5
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    updated list of items for sale - moving sale

    the guitar model is DR 200S NA number#08101502039
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    updated list of items for sale - moving sale

    ...duvet & wok are sold....
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    updated list of items for sale - moving sale

    we are preparing for our move to the states in a few months and have many items for sale. send me a message if you are interested in any and i will respond with a photo, leave your email address. sony 32' LCD flat screen monitor U$S750 black 80gb ipod lastest generation U$S150 10 cup...
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    moving back to the US - selling everything

    i don't have any furniture or cell phones to sell. hi marie! for the wii i only have wii sports & wii play. i am in palermo, close to jumbo. send me your email address and i will email you pics of the TV.
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    moving back to the US - selling everything

    we are preparing for our move to the states in a few months and have many items for sale. send me a message if you are interested in any and i will respond with a photo. i don't know how to upload pics here. sony 37' flat screen tv U$S1170 sony 32' flat screen monitor U$S800 phillips juicer...
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    moving sale

    we are preparing for our move to the states in a few months and have many items for sale. send me a PM if you are interested in any and i will respond with a price and photo. sony 37' flat screen tv sony 32' flat screen monitor phillips juicer 10 cup coffee maker xbox 360 nintendo...
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    Baby Stuff For Sale

    we are moving back to the US and i have a ton of baby stuff i have to get rid of. strollers, toys, a ton of boy clothes from 3-12 months. here are some things i posted on mercado libre. please PM me if you are interested in seeing what else i have to sell. thanks...
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    baby car seat

    hi, i am looking for a baby car seat for sale. it's for a 7 month old. he is 10kg and 71cm. i need it by this thursday 6/8. i am looking to buy or borrow or trade my graco infant seat which was barely ever used. thanks!
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    Swimming with baby

    sounds good. i will be on the look out. do you think an indoor pool exists in BA?
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    Swimming with baby

    hi angie, i just realized you are sophie's mommy. it's me, angie - nico's mommy! ;o)