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  1. E

    Stories about Volunteering/Community work in BsAs needed!

    Celeste, Since moving here in August, I've been working with a group called Voluntario Global, which is a nonprofit organization that links foreign volunteers with two (soon to be more) community organizations in the poor neighborhoods around Buenos Aires. (one in La Boca and one in Villa...
  2. E

    How to: Find an Argentine

    It happened so long ago that I'm pretty sure details like that have left my uncle's mind. Unfortunately, with all the searches coming up short the probability he's suspected for years seems more likely: that he was disappeared. He was a big Peronista and after returning here he and my uncle...
  3. E

    Argentina - Racism?

    I do not at all want to minimize any racism against dark-skinned people here, but I would like to point out that service at restaurants here tends to be slow in general. At most places, you're expected to seat yourself and service staff don't always make service a priority. So don't take bad...
  4. E

    How to: Find an Argentine

    In 1972-73, my uncle had an Argentine exchange student staying with them in Dallas, TX. They kept in touch for a while afterward, but that was a...difficult time in this country and they lost touch. He's coming down to visit me in January and I wonder what the best means (aside from the obvious...
  5. E

    Hello all

    The automated email welcoming me to BAExpats asked me to say something about myself in this forum and i always do what automated emails tell me to so... I'm living here with my new husband (coming up on four months)...that makes it seem like I had an "old" husband, which I did not. We got here...