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  1. S

    Mail and internet?

    Ola everyone, I was curious, how well does the mail work, and is it at all dependable? as in ordering things from the infoweb? and how accesible is the internet in the city? i know its 2009, but is wireless streaming around alot? and any idea on Camera shops and music shops? anything would be...
  2. S

    Also am new to the forum

    Hey everyone, I am also new to the forum and group here. I did post something about a week ago and forgot to introduce myself, which I apologize for. For Starters, my name is John-Ryan, And, as i said in the post, I am in the service back in the states, well, Now I'm stationed on an island in...
  3. S

    Moving to Buenos Aires

    Thats awsome, Sounds great. I've been reading that San Telmo is a bit touristy, how bad is it? Id rather not be looked at as some half brained rich gawker of society's during my ahh, well, Stint? sure. Speaking of the 'Ole Tierra Del Fuego, any idea how much it costs to get there from BA...
  4. S

    Moving to Buenos Aires

    Hello, I Get out of the service at the beginning of next year and I dont start school until the fall, I plan on coming down to Ba for about 3-6 months just to hang out. Being a Writer, Photographer, and musician, I dont plan on doing much more then writing, reading, taking pictures and working...