Search results

  1. E

    job opportunity for Americans (videos for US market)

    Great Steve !!! Send me an email with your email please Max
  2. E

    job opportunity for Americans (videos for US market)

    Hi guys !!! we are looking for expats living in Argentina for our Emerging Freelancer Program as a reviewer. We produce short form videos (you guys can see a demo in and we need to increase our Reviewer's team. It's a freelance job (you work from home). The...
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    okey, i'm new and I have something to say

    yes, you are right: 5217 2345 sorry for the misspelling
  4. E

    okey, i'm new and I have something to say

    thanks for your kind words !!!
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    okey, i'm new and I have something to say

    hi guys !!! sorry about the delay but I had my daughter sick for a couple of days. We are not a scam, we do are internet proffesionals since 1995. You can see my track record here: and if you need any other info about our project, feel free to contact me...
  6. E

    a quick note about my freelancer job posting

    Hi everybody !!! first of all, thank you very much to all you guys for send your emails about our Freelancer Program. A quick note: the email is [email protected] (not goldemberg). We are answering all the emails so be patient, we want to work with you all and, the good thing...
  7. E

    Looking for english scriptwriter

    We are looking for english (us expat preferred) writer for our company. We produce short form videos (2' lenght in average) for USA. The writer will be in charge of the scripts. It is a full day job (8 hours included 1 hour for lunch) If you are interested in some way, just send me an email...
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    okey, i'm new and I have something to say

    of course ! 'how to videos' about almost everything: "how to tie a tie", "how to iron a pant" "how to make a cappuchino", etc we are launching our company here in Argentina and we want to do the scripts and the voices over in english and that's why I've posted my job search here in this forum...
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    okey, i'm new and I have something to say

    jajajaja !!!! ok ok ok... don't get mad at me... think about the project and, if you want, you can be part of it
  10. E

    okey, i'm new and I have something to say

    Lee !!! thanks for your reply I'm not offering the promise of making money, i'm offering the chance to work from your home, in your spare time. We are building our freelancer program and we thought that maybe you guys who are living downhere (in Argentina) can work with us. Please, believe me...
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    okey, i'm new and I have something to say

    Why you say that? Tell me or send me an email and I'll tell you more about our project
  12. E

    okey, i'm new and I have something to say

    how to videos !!! :)
  13. E

    okey, i'm new and I have something to say

    You guys can apply now only by email. In 2 weeks (or so) we'll have the new website
  14. E

    okey, i'm new and I have something to say

    We have several roles in our program: - screenwriters: we need to write the scripts in english and in spanish - voice over: we are looking for native english speakers to put their voice on the videos - translators (eng/sp and sp/eng) - filmmaker The good thing is...
  15. E

    okey, i'm new and I have something to say

    Hi there !!! my name is Max Goldenberg. I'm not from US but I work with people from there a lot and I want to say "hi" because I know that is very hard to you guys live here, far far away from home. Now I'm launching a new project called Emering Cast. We produce and distribute videos (short form...