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  1. Maverique

    Argentina's Gender Identity Law

    I'm gender neutral so the concept of me being misandrous is absurd on its face. Gender is a social construct with absolutely no biological foundation. As such, the very word 'misandry' is repugnant to me and should be banned from the English language.
  2. Maverique

    Christina Kirchner

    This is a hopelessly sexist video. The only similarity between Maleficent and Cristina is that they are both women. This was posted by Ana Frigerio owner of the Aristocracia store located midway between Patios Bullrich and the Alvear Palace hotel - a notorious haute bourgeoisie and neo-liberal.
  3. Maverique

    How do BAexpats feel about converting Spanish to be Gender Neutral.

    I'm new here and I admit, I don't understand these internecine squabbles but I would like to return to the original topic. What about changing Cristina's slogan from "Todos" to "Todes" in order to make the party more inclusive?
  4. Maverique

    Macri appeals to voters at massive rally

    ad feminam
  5. Maverique

    Argentina's Gender Identity Law

    Article 1 – Right to gender identity. All persons have the right, a) To the recognition of their gender identity; b) To the free development of their person according to their gender identity; c) To be treated according to their gender identity and, particularly, to be identified in that way...
  6. Maverique

    Macri appeals to voters at massive rally

    If Macri wins it won't be because of "angry voters" but because of behind-the-scenes shenanigans of Putin and his Trump puppet.
  7. Maverique

    Controlling Crypto Currencies in a Currency Control Regime

    My Economics Adviser insisted on me taking CS 101 and it was useful to the extent that it informed me on how to supervise these so called "computer scientists". Just as with a computer that cannot even intelligently deal with a misplaced semicolon, "computer scientists" have to be spoken to in...
  8. Maverique

    Democratic Primary Debate Tonight Live 9PM Buenos Aires time.

    Breaking: Tulsi Gabbard has been identified as Russian Agent! What are Macri's connections to Putin?
  9. Maverique

    Controlling Crypto Currencies in a Currency Control Regime

    Software engineers - I prefer to call them technicians - are like robots. You point them in the right direction and then let them churn away in front of their monitors, checking them periodically as they invariably go off course like retarded carrier pigeons (as you can tell I used a lot of...
  10. Maverique

    Machismo and Gender Equality in Argentina

    The personal pronouns are all gender neutral: I, me, my, mine, and myself. Here's the Police talking about the importance of pronouns:
  11. Maverique

    Democratic Primary Debate Tonight Live 9PM Buenos Aires time.

    Racism Against White People Doesn't Exist. "In a system of white supremacy, which is what America was founded on and continues to be, it is impossible to be truly racist against white people. Here’s why:"
  12. Maverique

    Controlling Crypto Currencies in a Currency Control Regime

    In addition to working on my thesis on Machismo in Argentina, I'm also doing some paid research for the Economics Department (I have a bachelors degree in Economics) on how to manage a currency control regime in the age of Bitcoin. Bitcoin will be used by greedy capitalist speculators to get...
  13. Maverique

    Machismo and Gender Equality in Argentina

    I'm more interested in women's opinions on this. I just noticed there was a woman's forum. I would like to have this post moved to the women's forum and hopefully this will cut down on the mansplaining.
  14. Maverique

    Machismo and Gender Equality in Argentina

    Yes on the Toronto part. No on 'she'. I gave my preferred pronouns when I introduced myself.
  15. Maverique

    Machismo and Gender Equality in Argentina

    This post was inspired by a post in my other thread, by a male saying there was no machismo in Argentina - as if he would know...
  16. Maverique

    Machismo and Gender Equality in Argentina

    I've just arrived in Argentina for 6 weeks to finish my thesis "Machismo and Patriarchy at the Heart of Argentine Culture" for my Masters in Gender Studies at U of T. One of my mentors wrote this interesting blog post: Machismo in Argentina What are your experience with Machismo in Argentina?
  17. Maverique

    Democratic Primary Debate Tonight Live 9PM Buenos Aires time.

    I was disappointed by AOC's recent endorsement of Bernie Sanders. Although Bernie is a good communist of long standing, he's still an OLD WHITE DUDE.... ugh. It's time for Bernie to pass the baton to AOC or Irhan.
  18. Maverique

    How do BAexpats feel about converting Spanish to be Gender Neutral.

    Using "gorda" seems more passive aggressive than affectionate - but thanks for the mansplaining. I'm disappointed that Cristina does not detail her Preferred Pronouns on her Facebook about page. I can only explain it by the still dominant Machismo culture in Argentina. Here's a subtitled...
  19. Maverique

    How do BAexpats feel about converting Spanish to be Gender Neutral.

    Hi I'm Maverique (Xe, Xem, Xyrs) from Canada and this is my first post. For my first post as a BAexpat, I'm excited to announce to the BAexpat community that International Pronouns Day is October 21! Since we all know that Spanish is a heavily gendered language what can we do as a community...