Search results

  1. S

    sugar, oh lordy, lordy

    hi there. here for a couple months with my porteno hubby to be and my near 1 year old and am kinda shocked by how freely sugar is given to kids. now i'm no health nut and sugar is not entirely the enemy, but sugar is in most if not all juices here, kids eat cookies for breakfast, and it's near...
  2. S

    playgroup 0-3yrs?

    hi there! wondering if a playgroup of this sort exists in the expat community. if so, me and my 11 month old tomas would love in! if, not anyone else interested? tomas is super social and i'm dying to speak some english. i have cheerios! :) take care sharon
  3. S

    nice gal/mom coming next week for 4 months!

    hi all! my name's sharon, i'n 28, from new jersey and i'm coming to b.a. next week for four months. my boyfriend, marcelo is from b.a. we have a 10 month old are coming to intro him to marcelo's family, get married, and just spend some time. perhaps see if this is a place i could potentially...