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  1. R

    Witnessed a robbery in Belgrano

    Latter, a motorcycle.
  2. R

    Witnessed a robbery in Belgrano

    Hello, it's our fourth month in Argentina with my wife and we live in Belgrano. When we first came to Argentina, I was extremely prudent about security. I was always checking behind me, front, and the people passing by on the street from a long distance, I would change my path when I see...
  3. R

    Can a 30-week pregnant woman enter Argentina on a tourist visa?

    If a person overstays her 90 day tourist visa and gives birth in Argentina, for example on 100th day of her entry to the Argentina, will she have a problem on registering to the Radex system for her own permanent residency? or any problems on visit to migraciones to present the documents, etc. ...