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  1. Murray Rothbard

    In defense of Milei

    Article here: When Milei entered the government, Argentina was in a state of economic, monetary and fiscal crisis. The pernicious consequences of a more than decade long policy of monetary and fiscal laxism came all at once: an inflation rate that...
  2. Murray Rothbard

    Argentina must repudiate its debt

    It will be hard work, but you can start by reading this for the economics behind repudiating debt :
  3. Murray Rothbard

    Argentina must repudiate its debt

    A few things have changed. Inflation is undoubtedly on the way down. Housing supply has improved. Some regulations have been removed so life is easier. Whether it can be sustained is another story. The price of gold would suggest the market does not expect him to succeed. Unfortunately most...
  4. Murray Rothbard

    Milei is getting inflation under control (graph)

    Price inflation, as measured by the consumer price measure, just hit an all time monthly low of 4% since Milei assumed office. Graph here shows all the monthly declines: However the monetary base - i.e. money supply - has...
  5. Murray Rothbard

    Milei Got Rid of Rent Control in Argentina

    Argentina's recent repeal of rent control by libertarian President Javier Milei has led to a surge in housing supply, with the freedom to negotiate contracts, previously restricted, directly causing a drop in rental prices. Since Milei's repeal of rent control laws took effect on December 29...
  6. Murray Rothbard

    Milei is getting inflation under control (graph)

    Good point you reminded me that statistics don't prove anything, since most are manipulated by governments which have an incentive to show prices lower. Just like the statistics showing a decline between 2019 and 2021 were no doubt fraudulent. A better indicator is the gold price denominated in...
  7. Murray Rothbard

    Milei is getting inflation under control (graph)

    Here is a graph from this article which shows the progress made so far. Yes, prices are still going up. But the rate of growth has slowed - largely because Milei has cut government spending.
  8. Murray Rothbard

    Argentina must repudiate its debt After an initial devaluation, and although the Milei administration never stopped printing pesos, monthly price inflation numbers indicate a constant drop since Milei took office. The government has generated more debt to avoid...
  9. Murray Rothbard

    Did Milei just lift Argentina out of recession?

    It's unlikely that a single sector like agriculture produced an outcome that drives GDP to such a large extent. It's only around 15% of the economy in Argentina. It will be interesting to see whether the next monthly statistic shows growth too (as is likely). If so that will provide...
  10. Murray Rothbard

    AFIP will control your expenses in May: from what amounts should your bank report

    I thought Milei banned usage of the word "free" by government employees. Nothing is ever free - you either pay through higher taxes or higher inflation.
  11. Murray Rothbard

    Did Milei just lift Argentina out of recession? During his first year as president, Javier Milei has been waging a bitter but largely successful campaign against inflation. Now, Argentines received more welcome news: their economy is growing again...
  12. Murray Rothbard

    Is the Milei "Transformation" Failing Already?

    Under Milei's guidance, Argentina has seen “two consecutive months of financial surplus for the first time since early 2011,” quite an impressive feat. Its month-over-month inflation rate went from 25.5 percent in December to 20.6 percent in January, 13.2 percent in February, and 11 percent in...
  13. Murray Rothbard


    The problem with the overstay strategy is that many countries ask you to declare if you have overstayed. So it could impact your visa applications to other countries (if you are honest). For example, Australian tourist visa asks this question.
  14. Murray Rothbard

    Milei’s Austerity Plan Pushes Argentina Into Recession

    There are very few economies today that are organised on sustainable lines so Argentina is not unique. Most Western countries are built on a sea of debt. In the US for example, consumer and public debt is at record highs. This will all come crashing down as interest rates rise, like during the...
  15. Murray Rothbard

    Milei’s Austerity Plan Pushes Argentina Into Recession

    The laws of economics don't stop applying in Argentina, they are universal. There is no "normal" country and abnormal country economics. Recessions are the product of previous misdirected investments by the private sector. When these mistakes are realised businesses have to fire workers and...
  16. Murray Rothbard

    Milei’s Austerity Plan Pushes Argentina Into Recession

    A recession is generally the result of actions taken up to 24 months ago. Well before Milei was in power.
  17. Murray Rothbard

    Villarruel breaks tie in Argentina’s Senate to approve Milei’s flagship Ley Bases

    Australia and Canada are also two other countries that have based their economic model on exporting raw commodities. It is about 15% of Australian GDP and 20% of Canadian GDP. This also helps to prop up the value of their respective currencies. It's not really difficult for a country and its...
  18. Murray Rothbard

    Student visa requirements

    I'm also looking to apply for a student visa. Is there a step by step guide somewhere? Where can I find the list of approved universities? Are there any courses anywhere in the country that teach in English? I already have a PhD in law so I'd like to do something different. Maybe creative...