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  1. V

    Food prices are amongst the highest of the planet

    Anecdotally I’ve noticed a lot of places jump their prices around 10% this week concurrently after having been flat for a while. Seems odd to me how coordinated it seems to be
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    Overstay options

    Thank you very much for the reassurance. I’ve pushed my flight back a few months. Hopefully the length of overstay doesn’t matter too much! I’ve pushed back to October so far but am likely to push my return flight back again until February or March
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    Overstay options

    Thanks for the advice! It seems like overstaying is my best option. Will I have any problems getting domestic flights whilst past my tourist visa expiry? Hoping I don’t need to cram some last minute visits to other cities before I lose the ability to
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    Overstay options

    Thank you for the information! Is it preferable to overstay rather than day trip to Uruguay? I’d be nervous about potentially being refused entry for a blatant visa run. Besides western union are there any other adverse implications to overstaying the tourist visa? I’m not sure if it changes...
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    Overstay options

    Hi, I’m hoping to ascertain some advice as to my current options regarding overstaying my tourist visa in Argentina. Apologies given this is a fairly common question but I wanted to seek some answers more unique to my situation I’m from the UK and spent 3 months in Argentina at the beginning...