Search results

  1. M

    Book : Historical introduction to BA and / or Argentina

    I will be re-learning Spanish in BA...any good English options? :)
  2. M

    Book : Historical introduction to BA and / or Argentina

    Dear All, I will be visiting , and staying, in BA for a couple months early in the New Year. Unfortunately, my knowledge of Argentina and Buenos Aires is rudimentary. Could anyone suggest a comprehensive book to familiarize myself with Argentinian history or history of Buenos Aires and its...
  3. M

    Watercolor and / or Oil Painting classes

    Thank you Julia. I will try it out.
  4. M

    Watercolor and / or Oil Painting classes

    Dear All, Is anyone aware of watercolor and / or oil painting classes in BA? I will be traveling to BA for a couple of months in January 2025. Thanks!