Tourist Visa process and renewals


Sep 25, 2024
Hi All,

I will be traveling to BA , my first time, early in the New Year and am planning to secure a 3 month tourist visa in Customs Am I correct in assuming this is pretty straight process or more formal, as in in some Middle East countries, where you have to show ability to support myself for a 3 month stretch, etc...?
Upon conclusion of a 3 month stay and to renew with another tourist visa, are " visa runs" acceptable or is this frowned upon ?

Many Thanks and Feliz año nuevo!
For your first question, the visa process depends on where you're from, so you should consult with the local embassy to see what you need to have in-hand. For the other question, that's been discussed a lot here, so a search of the forum will pull up a lot of opinions on extending vs overstaying vs visa runs.
... am planning to secure a 3 month tourist visa in Customs Am I correct in assuming this is pretty straight process ...
Yes, it is a very straightforward process. Customs does not give visas.
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What country are you from?

After your first 3 months you can extend another 3 months at migrations

After that it's overstay or tourist runs. It's "frowned upon" in the sense you will find a lot of scaremongering and warnings "My girlfriends abuelas dog works at immigrations and he told me things are changing they are really cracking down now" repeated for the last 15 years or so. Verified examples of anyone actually having any problems are limited
Or maybe when someone is denied entry at the border, they just move on and don't share their experience here.

Opposite imo, we would see an avalanche of posts "HELP! Just got denied entry for being a 'permatourist' what can I do ?? What if I try a different entry like a flight from Montevideo? How long until I'm allowed back in???"

Afterall these are people who wanted to be here so much they extended their tourist visas then started going through the hassle of day trips to Uruguay. They presumably have friends and relationships and belongings here. But they all just disappear into the void never to be heard from again ... I doubt it
Hi all,

Thank you for your replies. I will travel on a US passport.