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  1. K

    Men's Pickup Basketball - Thursday and Sunday Nights - Palermo

    We still have space for tonight's game. Please email Withers.
  2. K

    Free or Cheap Spanish Classes in BA

    International House in Belgrano has a teacher training center which offers free Spanish (and free English) classes. I believe the course is already full, but you can inquire about upcoming openings. It is taught by people who are training to become spanish...
  3. K

    Passover (Pesach)

    I am organizing a small Passover Seder with a couple of friends, but we want at least one or two more people, so anyone looking for seder can join us! We are either ambivalent on religion or athiest, but we want to celebrate the traditions of the religion nonetheless. The food will be...
  4. K

    Ultimate Frisbee

    I am looking to play some ultimate frisbee. (I have seen some old posts suggesting that people played in the past, but I haven't seen anything in the last half-year or so.) So, is there anyone currently playing in BsAs? If not, would anyone else like to get together and at least toss the...