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  1. R


    The worst thing that's happened to me was having my wallet pick pocketed in a club. This has been a crazy couple of months though. Is anyone else noticing an uptick in violence or are we just anomalies? A month or two ago around 4 or 5pm in DeliCity near Sante Fe (Palermo) - a guy who kept his...
  2. R

    Container Gardening / Balcony Gardening

    Hi! Has anyone done any gardening here...successfully? I've gotten soil from Mario Vivero. While I like their plants, the soil tends to be very compacted or maybe it's got too much clay. I've also had tons of problems with bugs infestations - aphids, white flies, mealy bugs, spider mites, green...
  3. R

    Anyone have a mobile phone to sell?

    Hey. I'm looking for a temporary (crappy phone) to buy and use while I'm here. Anyone know someone who's looking to offload theirs? Gracias!