‘Dead cow’ awakens as pipelines revive Argentina’s shale hopes


Feb 5, 2013
It’s a race against time since June 20 falls early in Argentina’s winter, when gas demand jumps. The government, betting that the pipeline will be finished on schedule, has ordered just 30 liquefied natural gas cargoes for the coming months, 11 fewer than last year. Any delay that forces extra imports would eat into precious government funds, which would be an embarrassing misstep after officials used LNG savings for a sovereign bond buyback.”

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this pipeline will be a good thing but Vaca Muerta won't realize it's potential until the government stops manipulating markets and the currency
Huge potential in Vaca Muerta but the economic uncertainty and government intervention caused many companies to stay away from it
Potential will always be there BUT... Shale oil/gas is more expensive than conventional...! Plus the government regulations on repatriation of utilities, Price controls, etc. makes it less attractive for investors.
I strongly believe that they should rebrand and choose a powerful name. Who would want to invest in something called "the Dead Cow"?
i can assure you that the name isn't detracting one bit for wanting to invest billions. only the govt is in the way of that.