$100K+ USD for apartment can seller legally insist on cash?

Crypto, the preferred medium of exchange for criminals. Like cash, preferred over bank transactions, to reduce tax exposure.
Apparently, there's a new type of criminals. They do pay taxes, yet they want to REDUCE their tax exposure by using cryptos.
wait- the best solution is one that most sellers wont do, and that can change in value hourly?
What happens when your "stable" coin arrives, and its worth less than when you sent it?
Pretty chart right here- and its from the guys who LIKE crypto. https://www.binance.com/bg/square/post/1309573
I have bought a couple of properties here over the years. The system here works just fine if you are careful.

Easy. You use a reputable stable coin, not a junk one - https://www.circle.com/en/transparency . Reserve funds are managed by Blackrock.
I used Casa Puente years ago when I bought my place here.
You might have to show the source of the $$$ you're planing to transfer. Mine came from the sale of my NYC apt.
Casa Puente has been around over 100 years. They were fantastic. I transfer the $$ from my NYC bank account.
I had to do it in two installments. When the money arrived we did the closing right in their office in downtown BA.
I showed up with my escribano, the seller arrived with members of her family. A rep from the Puente Co. was also there at the table. Before the $$$ was brought in they lowered the shades on all the windows. I think we were in a third floor office room.
I'll never forget when the money came. Two guys pushing a small coffee cart with a bill counter and the stacks of Franklyns.
After everybody counted the money. I pushed the stacks across the table to the seller and she gave me the keys to my place.
We both signed some papers and that was it. And I've been here ever since. Very happy the way everything turned out.
No regrets.
Sounds straight from a movie! Fascinating
wait- the best solution is one that most sellers wont do, and that can change in value hourly?
What happens when your "stable" coin arrives, and its worth less than when you sent it?
Pretty chart right here- and its from the guys who LIKE crypto. https://www.binance.com/bg/square/post/1309573
I have bought a couple of properties here over the years. The system here works just fine if you are careful.

You don't know what a stable coin is. It's pegged to the USD.
You don't know what a stable coin is. It's pegged to the USD.

You mean like the 23 (so far) that failed?

Whenever you have something that depends on being tied to something else, bad luck notwithstanding, there will always be those who reckon they can make more money by breaking it. And it's not just crypto: look at the GBP in 1992 or the AR$ in 2001