18 year old British girl on Gap Year - looking for local and expat friends!

Laura, would you like a simple lunch at a McDonalds one of these days?
If yes, send me a PM and then we will talk, etc.
HI Sebastian! That sounds great - we can both help each other to improve our language! What do you do here? Would you like to meet for a quick coffee at some point? x
Hi Henry! A quick lunch/drink sounds good - though I have little time in the weekdays. Maybe thursday. What is a PM? How do I send it? and do your grandsons have facebook that I could contact them on?
thanks! x
Hello Laura! How are you liking Buenos Aires so far?

Like Sebastian, I also need some practice with my English. I can understand and write it just fine, but I don't really get enough chances to practice my speech and I really have to, since next year I'm travelling aboard as an Au Pair. I'd be more than willing to meet up if you want.
Yes sure!! that sounds great! i have 26 work in a company and i have a degree from the university of Buenos Aires. im living in belgrano do you know where is? tellme when you can.



Laura Deering said:
HI Sebastian! That sounds great - we can both help each other to improve our language! What do you do here? Would you like to meet for a quick coffee at some point? x
Laura Deering said:

I am 18 years old and have moved out to BA for 4 months to start my Gap Year! I am currently doing a month long course to train to become an English teacher, called CELTA. But I would love to get to know some more people from outside my course. I am up for any ideas so please get in touch!

My Spanish is also pretty good so it would be great to meet some original Portenos too!

Besos :) xxx

Hi Laura –*Im a 26 year old Canadian and I am moving to BA in November to live and work... I've been to BA twice before so I could show you some good places!
Heyy Laura!! I'm an argentinian guy also 18 , and studying economics in Buenos Aires :) . If you want we could get in contact and i could introduce yourself to this magnificent city ! ;D i'll be a great oportunity to improve my speaking skills with a native, and of course a pleasure to meet a british girl of my same age, haha, , by the way, and are you doing a celtic course, you said?? :) if you want add me in skype : juampi135 , cause i can't send you a pm by here, I dno why - well, anyways, have a good staying in this magnificent as well as stravagant city as it's Buenos Airessss!!! ;P Buena suerte con el español tambien!! haha
HI Juampi! Thanks for your message - I think you just sent me a message on facebook and somehow I have managed to delete it?! Do you want to send it agian and then we can just talk on there!
THanks x

Y Gracias por la suerte con el espanol - lo necesito!
BEsos xxx
yeahhp, it was me! ;D I sent a friendship request there right now so that way we could talk :)

haha , de nada! you'll see argie spanish is not that hard! ;P haha