2 apt. possibilities and noise level


Oct 18, 2011

I see 2 nice possibilities of apartments to rent for 2 weeks in March. One is at Gurrachaga and Charcas (14th floor). The other is by Coronel Diaz and Charcas (7th floor). Considering that they are equal in quality, what area would be considered better? I'm also concerned about noise level at night and ability to sleep at these locations. I've heard BA can be really noisy and don't want to have a problem at night.

Thanks a lot.

I know both of these intersections very well. Coronel Díaz and Charcas is near Alto Palermo, a shopping mall. Alto Palermo is also what people call that section of Palermo. The area around there is very loud and pretty much always packed with people due to the mall and several medical clinics. Buses do go down Coronel Díaz (not sure about Charcas) and believe it or not, being on the 7th floor would not cut down on the noise much unless your windows are double paned or your unit faces away from the street. Buenos Aires is incredibly loud in general. However, that part of Coronel Díaz is visually pleasing with many balconies with lush green plants. At least that's what I always noticed. But it is a major street.

Gurruchaga and Charcas is much nicer, in my opinion. Neither street is very busy compared to Coronel Díaz. You're also very near the Plaza Italia, zoo and botanical gardens. Lots of places to run or exercise if you're into that. It's nice and green with lots of trees there. Being on the 14th floor in that part of town sounds gorgeous to me. It's a lovely part of Palermo. Can't remember if any buses go down those streets, but I don't think so. But being on the 14th floor would help a little with noise, for sure.

So I vote for the second option. I hated having to go to Alto Palermo for meetings and appointments. It's a clusterfuck pretty much all day long during the week.
The advice here is spot on. I lived at Guise and Charcas (near Coronel Diez) for six months. The Gurruchaga location is the best choice.
I lived one block away on Gurruchaga and Guemes, it was a pretty quiet area. 14th floor should help with any street noise. Like others said, move there.

Take note of any building construction going on next door though, you don't want any of that.
Thanks a lot all!!! Btw, what is the approximate walking time from Gurrachaga and Charcas to Colonel Diaz. On the map it's about 10 blocks, but I don't know how long the blocks are down there. I would guess about a 10 minute walk.
sab15 said:
Thanks a lot all!!! Btw, what is the approximate walking time from Gurrachaga and Charcas to Colonel Diaz. On the map it's about 10 blocks, but I don't know how long the blocks are down there. I would guess about a 10 minute walk.

That's about right...perhaps just a bit more if you don't walk as fast as I do.
Just as an update. I got an apt. at Gurruchaga and Charcas. Not the exact one I had mentioned here, but same location. I'm psyched!!! It also has a pool, which is a real bonus. I see the weather end March/early April can be a bit variable - i.e. drop into the 60's and also go up to the 80's, but praying will stay on the higher end of the range while I'm there.
