20% Surcharge For Travel

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Can Tourists buy Packages ? with 20% surcharge?
I don't really get this... How will the AFIP know if you got your pesos at the official or blue rate if you chose to purchase a ticket here as a non-resident?? This government is a massive joke, now they are trying to control their own citizens and stealing their money in an attempt to stop them from travelling... Absolute filth !! Next the cronies will try a physical barrier to control the citizens, the 'Argentinian wall'.
I'm trying to understand how this new rule impacts me. I am a tourist, my girlfriend is a resident. If we travel, how can we avoid this 20% tax?
If I pay cash/pesos?
If she pays with her credit card?
Any suggestions?

You can't avoid the 20% tax as it applies to cash purchases too. In your case, your gf will have to pay the peso price + 20% and you will have to pay the dollar price + 20%...which is really to stop you from buying pesos on the blue market rate and then buying your ticket in cash at the official rate. For your girlfriend, it means that the peso price is more blue rate than official rate.
I don't have much time to read the fine print so I could be wrong, but it seems that the right interpretation is more restrictive than what's been told in this thread so far.

The 20% surcharge doesn't seem to apply to cash payments, but again, I've read the resoluciones very quickly.
If someone has time to make a good synthesis, that's welcome, otherwise I'll do it (and will try to make it good :eek:p)
The 20% surcharge doesn't seem to apply to cash payments, but again, I've read the resoluciones very quickly

  • Paquetes turísticos: Operaciones de adquisición de servicios en el exterior contratados a través de agencias de viajes y turismo mayoristas y/o minoristas. Aplica para consumos con tarjeta y/o en efectivo.
  • Pasajes: Servicios de transporte terrestre, aéreo y por vía acuática, de pasajeros con destino fuera del país. Aplica para consumos con tarjeta y/o en efectivo, neto de impuestos y tasas. El el pago se realiza en cuotas, la percepción se cobrará totalmente en el primer pago.

Yop, in that case then cash payments are included too but even then, if you interpret what's above: it doesn't apply to "paquetes turisticos" bought "en el interior" (only "en el exterior"), and for the tickets, it applies only for travels with "destino fuera del pais" so it's possible for me to buy an airplane ticket for my Mom (paying in pesos), so that she can visit me here... o no ?!

Again, I don't have much time to look in details

I just looked at the resoluciones shown in this link (but there must be other resoluciones then, would be good to look at them): http://www.iprofesional.com/notas/156677-Slo-era-cuestin-de-tiempo-el-Gobierno-aplic-un-recargo-del-20-a-pasajes-areos-y-paquetes-y-asoma-el-dlar-turista
20% applies to all tickets with destinations outside the country. Won't stop it, but we had a good thing going before AFIP rained on our parade.