30-Minute Visa Overstay


Jul 19, 2015
I had a flight scheduled to depart Argentina on exactly my 90th day here.

My airline informed me that my connecting flight was cancelled. The airline has offered to pushback my flight by one day, free of charge. The flight is scheduled to take off at 12:30 am on March 25. My 90th day here is March 24.

If I prolong my departure as offered by the airline, I will overstay my visa by 30 minutes. Under a literal interpretation, an overstay is an overstay and I am subject to the fine.

However, I will be checking in and checking my bag on the 90th day, March 24. I will go through aduana on the 90th day, March 24.

But once that clock hits midnight on the next day, I will have overstayed my visa and be subject to the fine. If I accept the airline's offer, I will be in EZE at 12:01 on March 25, which technically is an overstay.

What do you all think?
Can't give an authoritative reply, but generally speaking once you've passed migraciones you're considered to have left the country in a legal sense.
Just make sure that happens before midnight. Probably the earlier the better, in case someone wants to be difficult.
Bring documentation with you that shows the cancellation and I doubt you'll have any problems.
I once went to Colonia on my 89th day of a tourist visa and the Argentine aduana official tried to tell me that I had overstayed. We finally pulled out a calendar and manually counted the days. She was satisfied.
I agree with Ben... it seems like once you go through migraciones at the airport, as far as their system is concerned, you're out. And in fact, if something happens with your flight, and you are forced to re-enter, it might just work out anyway because you'd have to enter Argentina through migraciones again, which might restart your 90 days.