A Hungarian Wall To Stop Migrants... Sounds Familiar.

Rich One

Jul 17, 2012
Hungary is building a 170 km. Wall to stop illegal immigrants to enter Hungary/EU and the Schenken Space. Thousands are crossing on foot via Greece to Macedonia and Serbia to enter Hungary.. No one has protested much yet. :rolleyes:


Italian TV reported yesterday that Italians are lucky that migrants don't want to stay in Italy, Greece or Spain, immigrants are only in-transit they wish to enter Germany, the UK or Scandinavia where job prospects are Good....!

On the other side of the Atlantic the Presidential Candidate wants to build a 2000 km Wall to stop illegal immigrants...

Reminds me of the German Democratic Republic Falling apart and thousands fleeing to the West, via other countries and camping and seeking refuge in Embassy Gardens, and crossing the Berlin Wall in their Trabants. They instead were embraced and received with joy and given 100 marks to spend

[font=Segoe UI']Serbia is already struggling with the unprecedented inflow – its own economy not facing the best of times, and it has hastily set up refugee centers which have quickly reached full capacity . Meanwhile, Slovakia has said it would prefer to accept Christian refugees as part of a European plan to resettle people, and Hungary has decided to build a barbed wire fence encircling its border to prevent any unauthorized migration.[/font]
Hungarians just didn't notice that hundreds years passed since their glorious days, and today no one wants to stay there. When they realize their mistake, fence will be obsolate and Orban will personally drive buses between Serbian and Slovakian borders free of charge!
Shouldn't this be part of "World Politics"?

On another note, its extremely strange that folks are out protesting and up in arms when some Western military goes into the middle east or Africa or XYZ for whatever reason. Then there's folks up in arms when the West does not intervene. And they're more up in arms when the West does not want anything to do with the mess in those regions. Probably time to make up their minds.

At the end of the day, when it comes to borders, Western countries have the right to protect their borders just like Middle East countries do. Its not a one way street.
7000 refugees in A frantic rush against time, 3 days to reach Hungary before the WALL is up :eek:

After entering Serbia, the migrants, fleeing wars and poverty, head toward EU-member Hungary from where they want to continue further north to richer EU countries, such as Germany and Sweden. After they formally ask for an asylum, migrants have three days to reach the border with Hungary, which is rushing to build a barbed wire fence on its border with Serbia to block the migrants.


Will the Balkans once again ignite a World Conflict ?
Hungary is building a 170 km. Wall to stop illegal immigrants to enter Hungary/EU and the Schenken Space. Thousands are crossing on foot via Greece to Macedonia and Serbia to enter Hungary.. No one has protested much yet. :rolleyes:
Was greece kicked out of the EU? must have missed that. Where did you get the article? the torygraph?

Will the Balkans once again ignite a World Conflict ?​

your Post exudes distrust, disbelief and hidden sarcasm :rolleyes:

You didn't miss a thing...! :D Greece is still in the EUl, The Refugees had theoretically entered the EU but they want to travel to Germany and Sweden , not stay in impoverished Greece. .. :rolleyes: If that was your implication.

Besides without papers and money they couldn't fly over to Germany... :D

For photo see link

This is a horrible human tragedy! I was in Budapest last weekend and the 2 major train stations undergound walkways have become makeshift places to live!
Here in this part of the world, it is very sad but most people say"don't let them in...they should go back!" What shocks me even more is that many who say this left Czechoslovakia for greener pastures in 1968 and after!
Many people in Czech politics including the president and Minister of the Economy say NO to them. Germany will supposedly take in some 800,000 this year. The Czech Republic has commited to 500 in 2015 and a grand total of 1500 by 2017, if they are still alive!
Ejcot. Your Post exudes facts and truths instead of xenophobic speculation. Please continue.

Hate seeing articles with "illegal immigrants", "immigrants", "migrants" and other bullshit terms.

funny how only the Christians are the only refugees....
[font='Segoe UI''][background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]Meanwhile, Slovakia has said it would prefer to accept Christian refugees[/background][/font]