A Hungarian Wall To Stop Migrants... Sounds Familiar.

As far as I know, balcans and Hungary didn't cook the mess, the one that did it doesn't have to deal with refugees, although it wants to set up a wall itself...
This whole tragedy is the sad result of the arrogance and stupidity of the Eurocrats ,thinking that they could just play "Civilization" in Syria and Libya, while the Europeans themselves were mostly concerned about the latest results of the Eurovision show.
Right. Cute little Middle Eastern people, look at us, we are so helpless, we only do good when its foreigners helping us and we only do bad when foreigners orchestrate it. Funny reading views from people who probably can't even name the different influential leaders in the Middle East...oh what am I saying, there are no influential leaders in the Middle East, its all Europeans and the white man that orchestrate everything that happens there.
This whole tragedy is the sad result of the arrogance and stupidity of the Eurocrats ,thinking that they could just play "Civilization" in Syria and Libya, while the Europeans themselves were mostly concerned about the latest results of the Eurovision show.

I am not sure you understand crisis in syria and middle east and who really started all the mess. Europeans at least don't help isis as Teurkey, USA and Israel are doing, while everyone is blaming Europeans of how they handle refugees. Why Brazil, Argentina and USA don't open their borders for them? They have mostly enough money to pay their own tickets ...
I am not sure you understand crisis in syria and middle east and who really started all the mess. Europeans at least don't help isis as Teurkey, USA and Israel are doing, while everyone is blaming Europeans of how they handle refugees. Why Brazil, Argentina and USA don't open their borders for them? They have mostly enough money to pay their own tickets ...

Uruguay invited 5 Syrian families (christian?) to settle inUruguay it wasn't a good experience due to intra family violence among immigrants :cool:


Why Brazil, Argentina and USA don't open their borders for them? They have mostly enough money to pay their own tickets ...

"[font=Helvetica Neue'][background=rgb(244, 244, 244)]Now, she, her husband and their four children have joined nearly 2,000 other Syrians trying to make a new life in Brazil, which has accepted more Syrians fleeing the violence at home than any other nation in the Americas with the exception of Canada. In comparison, the United States has taken in about 650 Syrian refugees, according to the International Rescue Committee.(...)[/background][/font]"It was very difficult to leave our country, mostly because of our tradition, she said. "We chose Brazil because we heard that there is no prejudice here. It is a wonderful land that has received us very well."

Brazil leads way in Latin America for taking in Syrian refugees, where 1,900 find new life
The Hungarian Wall is almost ready, 170 Km.

The Guardian reports today that in spite of the crisis in the Greek Islands because of the overflow of refugees , some hotel owners in The Islands are happy since many refugees have money and are staying in Hotels :rolleyes: Also when the European tourist flow stops in two weeks the refugees will fill the hotels until December. B)

Fights between the police and African refugees started since apparently Syrians receive Preferential treatment and faster document processing ? B)