A Pet Linguistic Peeve

I said Argentinean when I first got here until an Argentine corrected me.
There's nothing to correct. The three forms Argentine, Argentinian, and Argentinean are all correct.
Well, I'm obviously in the minority saying argentinean, then again I also add a u to words like colour and say aluminIUM, not aluminum. :) Maybe people from my small corner of the world like to add letters and syllables to everything...
This post is very satisfying as I work with young writers and have been insisting on across the board use of 'Argentine,' on my websites and have met much resistance. I've doubted myself because some dictionaries insist that Argentine should only be used as an adjective and not a noun but the AP stylebook says Argentine is the preferred term, even though it is a throwback to when they called this country 'The Argentine'.

You can find examples in its historical use. Did you know that less than a hundred years ago to refer to someone wealthy people would say, 'He's as rich as an Argentine'?