all about the Scrilla & the dolla dolla billa

I think Charles Schwab is a great option. I don't need/use/have any dollas. But I've read there are a few people here who have had good experiences with them. Personally, I'd skip the local bank account if you are not earning your salary here.

Ok, now can you please tell me what does the title actually mean?
If Charles Schwab isn't for you, there are many small banks in the U.S. that rebate all ATM fees worldwide, and don't charge account fees or monthly fees with a $1000 minimum balance. I keep an account at one of these banks in California just for traveling, so I can get local cash anywhere without fees.

The downside is you may have daily withdrawal limits, so if you need bigger chunks of money it may not work for that.

Be very careful before wiring money here, as the regulations change frequently and your money could get tied up easily. Needing to prove the source of the money is likely, and even if you have bank statements showing it in your account for the last 12 months, you may still have to prove where it came from- paychecks, real estate sale, whatever. You may also need to demonstrate what you intend to do with the money here- buy real estate, start a business, etc. And don't expect to find this all out at once. They will ask you for one thing, and when you come back with that, they will ask for another. A lot of time can pass.

After proving everything, the government may still withhold 10% for one year, and they wont pay you any interest, either.

Of course, it may also go smoothly for you, with no problems at all. Welcome to Argentina!
I'm not sure if this is the case for US currency - or even if it still is for Canadian - but I seem to recall from back in a former life when I needed to know a thing or two about money laundering that it is not illegal to travel with Canadian/ US currency (cash) in excess of 10,000$, but rather, it is illegal to NOT DECLARE it.

You can bring more but you need to advise customs of it and presumably provide paperwork that ascertains its legitimacy.
No probs Aussie1 ya know we gotta keep up with the slang while in BA!

ULDB65 Thanks so much for your advice I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it. I am going to look into the Schwab daily max this week and will let folks know what I find out.
HotYogaTeacher Thanks for the shout, just got back from Bikram in Chicago, look forward to meeting everyone and getting to classes in BA!!! Probably much more pleasant walking out of the studio there as opposed to here where it is -5 degrees!!!