All feminists are under attack

He wants to close INADI as well. He wants everything that helps protect people's dignity to be closed and shut down.

Question: why can’t advocacy and the work of INADI be done by various NGOs (as in most countries, including in the developed world?)
What protects people's dignity is the law and the judiciary, and what NGOs do is make sure people have knowledge of and access to the law, the judiciary is following the law and there is a lobby to make/ keep laws that protect said dignity in the first place. At least then public money can't be used to politicize the rights, votes and dignity of minorities through some twisted "don't-bite-the-hand-that-feeds-you" politic that many Argentines have become accustomed to.
Moving to the article. How disgusting some people are. "I will eat your liver"? Sick. Hopefully, the Minister of Security Patricia Bullrich will do more to protect those being subjected to such crimes.

Politics in many places in the world is getting too heated, and very unnecessarily so.
It makes sense that people aim for "low blows" during political debate, it gets more clicks, triggers emotional reactions that gets people's discussion distracted from core issues and ultimately gets individuals to group together in larger voter groups based on issues unrelated to what they'd otherwise be inclined to vote for - perfect subversive campaign tactics, especially in an age of social media. The downside is that this quickly spirals into hatred, which quickly leads to violence and victimization.

Unfortunately, some people will always try to "hijack" an entire group of people they "identify" with and claim to represent simply because they don't like something the "other" has to say, do, act or think when they enter political argument about broader or non-related issues and adopt extreme positions and want to add weight to it. This "you're either with us or you're against us" mentality from one side then provokes the knee-jerk "collective punishment" mentality from extremists on the other side who also feel the need to "(over)represent everyone" on their own side when adopting their own extreme counter position, creating a never-ending cycle of violence and extremism that drags more innocent bystanders into the shit-fight as individuals with their own unique opinions, beliefs and views cease to be seen and heard:
"If you are feminista (or X group), you must be anti-mileista (or Y group)"
"If you are mileista (or Y group), you must be anti-feminista (or X group)"

Identity politics needs to be left out of economic political debate and economic political debate needs to be left out of identity politics. Doesn't matter who you are or what "side" you identify with, people ought to focus on the actual policies and issues without resorting to collective hate-mongering. Coincidentally just focusing on the issues is the best way to counter and expose hate-mongers for what they are.
I suggest you read the fugitive running slave of the State of NY of 1850 and you will realize that the feminist legislation is an abomination because they only need the statement of a woman twice to be convicted (denunciation + confirmation before the Court) with no evidence at all.
Oh yes, I do understand that many of the gender laws are discriminatory towards men and are easily abused, I just don't want Milei to end up deleting all protections for everyone who is not the majority, or is not in his party, etc
Question: why can’t advocacy and the work of INADI be done by various NGOs
A private NGO cannot respond effectively when someone stalks you or harasses you for being of a certain race or ethnicity, a government agency can. INADI is not just anti-racism posters, there is much more to it. But their anti-fatphobia campaign lessens the seriousness of the agency
A private NGO cannot respond effectively when someone stalks you or harasses you for being of a certain race or ethnicity, a government agency can. INADI is not just anti-racism posters, there is much more to it. But their anti-fatphobia campaign lessens the seriousness of the agency
prima facie proof that too many people there are sitting on their asses doing nothing all day
A private NGO cannot respond effectively when someone stalks you or harasses you for being of a certain race or ethnicity, a government agency can. INADI is not just anti-racism posters, there is much more to it. But their anti-fatphobia campaign lessens the seriousness of the agency
But neither can INADI. Only the police and the justice can respond to cases like stalking or harassment. INADI just helps victims find help within the framework of the justice and security services, like a Citizens Advice Bureau and then collects the statistics like any NGO can. It’s neither a police force nor a prosecutors office (which btw already have specialized branches for women’s and gender based safety and security issues).
A private NGO cannot respond effectively when someone stalks you or harasses you for being of a certain race or ethnicity, a government agency can. INADI is not just anti-racism posters, there is much more to it. But their anti-fatphobia campaign lessens the seriousness of the agency
What also lessened the seriousness of the agency was the lady in charge of the organization, who kept her domestic employee in slave like conditions (en negro, at a ridiculous “salary”, if you can call that a salary)

When she finally wanted to get her employee clean (with a work contract), she offered her work in the INADI. As corrupt as it gets.
