All Politics Is Local. And International.


Sep 6, 2014
After receiving a petition with over 575,000 signatures, the British Parliament has been debating whether to ban Donald Trump from setting foot on British soil, using words like "stupid," "bonkers," "demagogue," "buffoon," and "wazzock" (wazz THAT, British friends?)

The Home Secretary will make the decision, but Parliament felt the poisonous level of Mr. trump's discourse, and the strong feelings of the petitioners, made the subject a serious one for discussion.

In a predictable response, Mr. Trump has threatened to cancel his mega-investment in his Scottish golf course.

OH WAIT -- this post was meant to be in the Monty Python thread! <never mind!>
No offense to you Redbeanz but this thread belongs in the World Politics section.
No offense to you Redbeanz but this thread belongs in the World Politics section.

Strongly disagree.

Once polemics with bajo regarding Dictators, Genociders, Torturers, and Generally Bad People has been put on ice, what is left of Expat Life - what is left of life at all - but to discuss debate {some unclear verb} Trump?

Or, rather, to discuss debate {some unclear verb} other Somewhat Bored People who are discussing debating {some unclear verb} Trump.
No offense to you Redbeanz but this thread belongs in the World Politics section.

No offense taken, Nico. (Funny -- Never took you for a nitpicker!)

I've always struggled with starting new topics, as the only choices I get on the home page are Newcomers (nope), Culture (Definitely Not), or Expat Life. Agree with you that it's not a fit, and I'm guilty of doing all my new topics in that. Is there a trick I never learned? Would appreciate instruction.

Now please carry on with the thread, as we need some spirited discussions for January!
No offense taken, Nico. Funny -- Never took you for a nitpicker!)

I've always struggled with starting new topics, as the only choices I get on the home page are Newcomers (nope), Culture (Definitely Not), or Expat Life. Agree with you that it's not a fit, and I'm guilty of doing all my new topics in that. Is there a trick I never learned? Would appreciate instruction.

Now please carry on with the thread, as we need some spirited discussions for January!

Heh, nitpicker. Me neither. Just think that US or UK politics don't have much to do with expat life here in Argentina. From what I've seen in the past, the admin might just move this thread to World Politics soon anyway.

You're free to start your threads wherever you want obviously (and the admin can move them as he chooses) but if you're actually wondering how to start a topic in different sections, go to the section you want and click Start New Topic and that thread will then be posted in that section.

Other than that, have fun with the topic, I don't have a dog in this fight.
Thank you for the help, ElNico.

And you are right -- this topic is meant to be fun.