Am I the only person in Argentina that finds the term "chinito" offensive?

I find it ironic that the people who complain most about rascism in Argentina come from societies that were built on the slave trade and the exploitation of their indigenous peoples .

Are you saying we should feel guilty about what our ancestors did before we were born? I don't think you're actually intending to say that, but I just gotta clarify.
I find it ironic that the people who complain most about rascism in Argentina come from societies that were built on the slave trade and the exploitation of their indigenous peoples

Who cares? Every society had forms of slavery. Basically everyone was targeted as slaves at some point in history. This is not some special victim status that only blacks hold. The people "complaining most" as you put it are likely coming from the society that ended slavery. They should be proud of their heritage. And, definitely no one should feel guilty. Especially considering that no one alive participated in it.

But yeah, I agree with your overall point. There are higher priority things to talk about. Some forum members who likely do not want to discuss about uncomfortable topics constantly scream "whataboutism".

What they don't want to tell you is screaming "whataboutism" is a debate tactic and a manipulation tool. The goal of their whataboutism chant is steer the topic of discussion from the high-priority to the low-priority. First, they attempt to define the scope of the topic to be extremely rigid. Even though rigid topics is not how humans communicate as must issues are more nuanced than an extreme rigid conversation will allow. Then, they attempt to be dictators and shame anyone who leaves the scope of the topic they have defined.

The ultimate goal is to contain the conversation, so that none of the participants can explore related and higher priority topics. It is a red-herring. And, it is designed to get people to stay talking about the mundane, trivial, unimportant things so that no one focuses on the real elephant in the room. Anyone screaming whataboutism should really be ashamed for trying to control an organic conversation in such a way.
The term "Chinito" is not only used for Asians.
Correct. They are called Chinos, and the number of rumors about Chino store owners are huge (they cut off electricity to their freezers at night, don't they?).

According to many Argentinos, the world is populated by Argentinos, Turcos, Chinos, Chulos and rich people (from north of Mexico, and Europeans).

My experience with Argentina since 2002 (including my Arg. wife & her family) has taught me, that many (perhaps most?) Argentinos are racists. Those who have lived outside South America make an exception.
Correct. They are called Chinos, and the number of rumors about Chino store owners are huge (they cut off electricity to their freezers at night, don't they?).

According to many Argentinos, the world is populated by Argentinos, Turcos, Chinos, Chulos and rich people (from north of Mexico, and Europeans).

My experience with Argentina since 2002 (including my Arg. wife & her family) has taught me, that many (perhaps most?) Argentinos are racists. Those who have lived outside South America make an exception.
Never heard the word Chulo here...
By the way, the President ' s wife used to be Muslim. She converted to catholicism when she married him.
By the way, the President ' s wife used to be Muslim. She converted to catholicism when she married him.

Juliana's parents are muslims , she was baptized in 2014. Her daughter with Macri was born in 2011..?
Argentine immigration law is among the most permissive on earth. If you're saying that because not everyone gets the same permission, then I answer that a country must choose, and it's perfectly normal to prefer people with money and skills over people without those things. There's nothing fundamentally "racist" about preferring only to take those who can improve the country.

It used to be like that until DNU 70/2017. The Ayatollah Khomeini flirted with the idea of a regimen alike MM’s but it was too much even for him.

he revived the regime of servitude of the foreigner (al-yizhia) repealed throughout the Islamic world and for whose restoration al-qaeda fights.

Nowadays you don’t even have defense right.
Argentine immigration law is among the most permissive on earth. If you're saying that because not everyone gets the same permission, then I answer that a country must choose, and it's perfectly normal to prefer people with money and skills over people without those things. There's nothing fundamentally "racist" about preferring only to take those who can improve the country.
The AR National Constitution is, not the immigration law.