Amount Of Time To Spend In Uruguay


May 8, 2013
I've read lots of posts about dollars in Uruguay, which company to take, etc. but I guess my question is around the amount
of time I should spend there. I was Googling what to do, on our site and others, and the general consensus is that Uruguay
is a quaint version of Argentina, pretty to look at, 0 to do.

So here comes my question: As someone who is going on a visa run mainly, and to snag +/- 200 USD, is 2 nights/3 days
too long or too short? I've never been to Uruguay before, and will go later next week before the weekend, and I've been debating over doing a First ship/last ship, a one night, or 2 (one in each city).

I guess to beat a dead horse while I'm at it, what's there to see thats cheap if not free in Colonia/MVD?

Finally, how do I avoid paying the AFIP ley XXXX tax? Is it only for Argies? For what it's worth I'm taking the slow BQB, about
$500 ARS in total sin the tax if possible.

I think a long weekend, three to five days, is ideal. Take the ferry to Colonia for two or three nights, then the bus to Montevideo for a couple more, then the ferry back to Puerto Madero. For some suggestions, see
I would go to Seacat on Cordoba... the last time I bought a ticket (August?), it was quite a bit cheaper than the prices listed online.

I think 2 nights/3 days is sufficient if you are just touring. I quite liked Montevideo although I was there on a Sunday... it felt like a ghost town.
It sure is a nice break from the hectic City. I'm going next week for the second time since I moved here. I had been once before while on vacation. The town is really nice. Renting a scooter and exploring is really not too unappealing. I would definitely say that since you're already there you might as well stay at least overnight. This time I'll ask a friend with an argie card to pre pay for my hotel room so I can get the blue rate and pay less. Last time I paid at the front desk where $120 is actually $120.

I'd say ajonknoblauch is absolutely right about the whole thing.
Colonia is good for a couple days but its just a tiny tourist town filled with non Uruguayan,s go to Montevideo 2 nights 3 days, then rent a car and drive up the coast, spend a day in piriopolis, then do punts del este 2 nights one day, then cabo polonia for a night, the punta diablo for a couple and back on the highway to mvd and the ferry back to ba.
We go to Colonia every year for a few days. For us it's a nice quiet break from BsAs, we always rent a car, drive up the coast, go to the art town (can't remember the name). We enjoy it, there is nothing exciting, the food is not great, we have a good time. I guess we spend about a week in Uruguay every year. I do not like Montevideo.
We take the Seacat.
Thanks for all the feedback guys/gals. I think when I go I'll do the 3 days/2 nights I was thinking with the exception being both nights are
in Montevideo as it looks like a day or a half is all that's needed.

Work needs me to go to Migrations during the time I was allotting to go to Uruguay, so next week is out of the question, but I'll be going
soon, so thank you guys so much for the advise!
For a Quiet small sleepy town drive to San Pedro or Varadero, Provincia de Buenos Aires. So many small villages within 100 kmts from Capital Tomas Jofre !!

Note; I do enjoy Colonia.....!! Have been there at least 15 times....!!