This is a interesting question.
We moved here for several reasons. First of all we loved the country. We came here on holidays and every time we went back we were sad/down and wondering why we went back. (to earn money to be able to come here again!). So moving here was easy.
Then the economic crisis, -we have an international trade company- European market was completely down (and still is), but Latin America, the market we started to explore about 6 years ago, was still booming. We put much more energy in this market, but the time difference made it hard. Again moving here was solving that problem.
But then yes, why does one leave a 1st world country to come here? Many Argentines have already asked me that question. And our friends / family in Belgium are convinced that we have lost our minds (exept those who visited us here). In Belgium we have everything, we are all (relatively) 'rich', we have free medical care, good social security, the best schools and universities (for free), most of us own a house and a nice car, public transport is good,...
But together with this is a way of living. The stress is very high, even (or maybe especially) for kids/teenagers, the pressure is high. Kids have to give up sports/music class/... because they must study.
Coming late is an unforgivable sin, so the traffic causes much stress (it is always blocked). It is very important you have this or that car, to live in this or that neighbourhood. People are very jealous, please don't have a house bigger then your friend (!) or a car more expensive (!). But what was very important to me ; people are always complaining. (Like the Argentines?) People in my country have all they need to be happy, but they are not. They are too busy looking around watching others, and having more, more, more... They don't realise what they have, and how good their life really is.
I brought teenage kids, both a product of their time. They are (were) more materialistic that one can imagine. For them (especially my son) the type of car was crucial. They only wore clothes of this or that brand,... Prefered to have only 1 sweater of the right brand than 10 of cheaper brand. Needed a new cell because their was a new model (not because it was broken), a new watch because theirs was out of fashion etc.
So one of the reasons I decided to move was that I am convinced (and I turned out to be right), that it would do my kids good. They have a lot less stress here (although they must also work hard in school), they learned not to care about material things like which car we drive, what clothes they wear.
I am convinced that for my kids (17 and 15) this is the experience of their life. They will be fluent in English and Spanish, and will have learned another way of life/living.Learned other values of life. My son (17) is convinced that he will go back to Belgium. My daughter is keeping all the options open.
Here family and friends are more important, you can call a friend during the week even at work and he will make time for you. When you want to dine out with friends you call them and arrange to go that same day (in Belgium you book weeks - months!! in advance!!).
Here you don't get fired or you don't miss a deal when you are stuck in traffic, and you don't have to stress because you have to do some grocery shopping as the shops open till 22h (in Belgium all closes at 18h). There is no excuse to have an empty fridge here.
We earn in Euros, so we live a good life here, although school is very expensive here and so is medical care, we still live on 50% of the budget we used in Belgium. Above this we can afford a maid who really brings my quality of life up.
If I were you, I woudn't hesitate and move abroud, work there for a couple of years and experience the life in the 1st world, make money, friends, contacts. Then you will know what you miss, and if you miss it. I always say, the only thing you regret in live are the decissions you didn't take. If you decide to stay here, you will always wonder what it would have been like if you had gone abroud.... I kow several Argentines that went abroud to work, and they all came back. Happy.