anyone coming from the US willing to help?


Mar 12, 2011
Hi expats,

The 15 year old son of a friend of our family was shot in the back and left a paraplegic. He is just learning to use a wheelchair and is in need of a type of gloves that we could purchase in the US that would help this process a lot.

Is anyone coming soon from the US who would be willing to bring these along? We would buy them and have them sent to you.

thanks for your help

I'm supposed to be there Mid June, but we have someone here now that is leaving Saturday back to BA, but I'm sure that you couldn't get it here by tomorrow. Let me know if you need me to bring them, I think I'm going to be staying in Campana but I hope to stay in BA at least the Sunday I get in to the country.
I'm coming back from NYC end of June. If you want me to bring them write to me on and I'll give you the address where you can have the package sent. Funnily enough I've just brought some gloves for a quadriplegic person in BA on my last trip, so I can say I have experience!!!
I have fingerless sailing gloves and mountain bike gloves. Both sets are pretty much new. I'd gladly give you them if they are essentially the same thing.
This is a truely shitty story, like things are not tough enough for families.

Im interested to know how long this transaction takes, PM me if it falls through I will forward to someone who may help.
Wow, I am blown away by the number of people that offered to help out this family and their son. We were able to find someone who will bring the gloves and I just amazed how quickly and freely people offered their assistance.

It was unimaginable to me, how one goes forward after such a tragedy but I guess that's the only choice.

thanks so much again to everyone who offered, may you receive the same!

