Anyone know a REAL boxing club?


Aug 1, 2009
I'm sure there have to be a bunch...but I looked in the phone book, internet, etc., asked portenos I know...can't find anything.

I'm NOT talking about or looking for
1. gyms with a boxing bag or an aerobics "boxing" class for hip soft people and girls

2. the only boxing club I found (forget the name...somewhere near the university/law school)...the owner/trainer seems like a good guy but the place is not's only used for exercise and no real boxing technique/sparring instruction, etc. takes place there as far as I could see...there were even some girls taking classes when I walked in
I know almost nothing about boxing. But I've heard about ALMAGRO BOXING CLUB, since I'm little. Have a look at: - they are constructing the site, so you'll be derived to a provisional blog.
You can also consult the FEDERACIÓN ARGENTINA DE BOX for more information:
I too know nothing about boxing, but there's a boxing rink here in Almalgro. I don't know if they have a club, but on the weekends, I see that they have matches there and there's a store beside it selling all sorts of boxing gear (bags, uniforms, gloves, etc..) so I assume that they also do training.

It's near the corner of Castros Barros and Rividavia, on Castos Barros, across the street from the COTO supermarket.

Googled it and got this info.

Sorry I can't be of more help.
there is a gym on Las Heras called "Ranacimiento". They have a specific boxing membership and it seems pretty popular. I am no boxer, just one of those "hip soft girls" you mentioned, but it seems like it would be worth checking out.
List provided by the Box Federation of Argentina

CASTRO BARROS 75 (de lunes a viernes de 13 a 20)

1- Club Torino de Mataderos (competitivo - recreativo)
Zuviría 4659 TE: 601-3461

2- Club Nolting de Ciudadela (competitivo - recreativo)
Alianza 350 (Alt. Rivadavia 12.400) TE: 4653-2439

3- Club Tres de Febrero de Isla Maciel (competitivo - recreativo)
TE: 4222-3295 (Prof. Roberto Giménez)

4- Almagro Boxing Club (competitivo - recreativo)
Díaz Vélez y Yatay (Capital Federal)

5- Club Unidos de Pompeya (competitivo - recreativo)
Av. Sáenz 871 TE: 4919-9905

6- Club Huracán (competitivo - recreativo) ****
Av. Caseros y Rioja (Capital Federal)

7- Club Tauro de Flores (competitivo - recreativo)
Culpìna 245 TE: 4686-1921

8- Casa del Boxeador (competitivo - recreativo) ****
Bartolomé Mitre 2020

9- Evander Gym (competitivo - recreativo) ****
Bacacay 1889

10- Facultad de Derecho (recreativo) ****
Prof. Víctor Mastronardi (a partir de las 17:00 en la sede de la Facultad)

11- Miguel Angel Castellini (recreativo) ****
Perón y Callao

12. Club Yupanqui (competitivo y recreativo) ****
TE: 4601-7157

13. Boxing Club Ferrobaires (recreativo y competitivo) ****
Dentro de la estación Plaza Constitución

14. Academia Horacio Accavallo - Racing Club (competitivo - recreativo) ****
Ambos sexos - Todas las edades
Lunes a viernes de 16 a 22 hs. en el Polideportivo Avellaneda de Racing Club, Av. Colón 750, Avellaneda, Bs. As.
DTs: Darío "Colorado" Fernández y Daniel "Cacharrito" González - Informes: 4201-1661/1431 /// 15-6184-8799 /// [email protected]

15. Gimnasio La Terraza (Paso de la Patria 55, Ezeiza) Tel: 4295- 2509. DT: Sr. Santiago Varas. ****
So, has anyone tried the Almagro Boxing Club? I'd like to know if it's ok for a total beginner.