Anyone W/ Experience In Order Custom Made Shinken In Jp


Jun 14, 2010
There is something I do not undestand, why some nihontos cost the same than a brand new shinken? (12.000 usd)

Does anyone has experience regarding to order a custom made shinken / laito from Japan?

Bajo marketing, if you know people there, or people connected via martial arts its sometimes easier to buy. A custom made when made by a true master is expensive, it shouldn't cost anywhere close to an antique made by a master. I think they get as much as they can, and marketing strategies make them out to be just as good if not better than the ancient masters even if its true or not.
There is a huge amount of hype and name recognition in the sword world.
Prices are all over the map.
I have met a very well known japanese sword maker who now lives primarily in the US, because the rules in japan limited his production.
Obviously, video gamers and movie fans have clouded the market, bringing all kinds of cheap imitations, hustlers, and phony deals on the marketplace.

I know a guy who deals in very fine used swords, at not that bad of prices for what they are-

Most of the good sword makers are buffered from the marketplace by layers of middlemen, and, to get a quality piece at a good price, you would need to travel to Japan.
There are many good swordmakers now in the USA, though, and, in some cases, their metallurgy and techniques are actually better than the japanese, who are somewhat limited by tradition.

You have to remember that nobody actually uses a Japanese sword for warfare- they are expensive toys, and the good, handmade ones, are sought after by rich people. You can practice just as well with a piece of wood. Its the rarity, the quality, and the cost that attracts rich collectors, and drives the prices up.
Well, i need a custom made laito because the blade has to be 68 cms while standards are 72.5 because I practize KSR (they use shorter blades).

The question about shinkens was retoric, i m not thinking to buy one custom made now.
Have you checked into local, argentine knife makers? There are actually some pretty good ones. There may be somebody who makes swords, as well. But that would assume that you did not require mystic japanese mumbo jumbo, just an appropriately shaped and sized blade.

There is a knife show every year, and at least a dozen blademakers exhibit. this year it was in Julio.
I have many friends in the US who are knife makers, and a few who make swords. The martial arts end of things is full of myth, and hype.
Real bladesmiths exist who can make custom blades much cheaper, and with much less bullshit, than a lot of the online vendors of "official" martial arts stuff.
I recently made some practice spear points for some chinese tai chi masters, from bronze, which got shipped to china, because the chinese made stuff was of such low quality- but I am not a bladesmith. Thats a whole profession all its own, which requires years of practice, and specialized forges. I am just an ornamental blacksmith, mostly.
Ries, i own 5 replicas: 3 maru, 1 kobuse and 1 soshu kitae.

But the blades are standard size (72 cms) while i need one of 68/9 cms.

I already found a couples of websites in Japan where they do custom laitos (between 500 up to 2000 usd) and shinkens under request (between 7000 up to 15.000 usd).

However, i have to order something under 1000 because then i can receive it by mail.

Prices in Argentina are hilarious.
I have a mental image of bajo_cero going to the courthouse with swords to fight.