Ap: Argentines Worry Agrochemicals Are Killing Them

Via the internet, always in negative contexts and accompanied by slander from zealots with more rage than facts?

Yes I could see how that might be a problem.

Exactly, what do internet people know?

I'd much rather trust the Monsanto Corporation and believe their whole speech about sustainable agriculture. Since the days of manufacturing Agent Orange this company has been at the forefront of environmentally responsible practices regarding chemicals.
I wonder how many people are getting paid to leave Monsanto alone. I know a Uruguay "farmer" up in the Colonia area who doesn't even farm because Monsanto is using his land and they pay him so much money he says there's no reason for him to farm, he just collects the checks.
I wonder how much its to do with local farmers spraying chemicals indiscriminately over everything rather than over the fields.
This is not about a huge corporation poisoning people and the environment with its unethical and anti-competitive practises. It is about a complete lack of worker education and protection.


Aixa a 5-year-old, has hairy moles all over her body

Farmworker Fabián Tomasi received no trainingbefore he filled crop dusters with pesticides. He prepared thousands if not millions of liter of pesticides without protection. No gloves, no mask and no special clothing. He had not received any kind of instructions on how to protect himself.

Some Argentine provinces allow farmers to spray as close as 50 m of schools and homes. About one-third set no limits, and those who breaks the rules are usually not punished anyway. They use seriously poisonous mixtures, such as 2,4,D (known from “Agent Orange”) and sometimes spray scools while the pupils are in them.

This and Nestle wanting to own all the drinking water on the planet gives me chills, the really bad kind.