Aparment help


Nov 15, 2010
My boyfriend and I are planning on moving. Is there anyone who could recommend how to go about it. We've looked at Craigslist. Just wondering about some other ways to find a great apartment.
When are you planning to move? I've rented a huge furnished flat in Recoleta, not really knowing how cheap I have got it. After hanging out with expats here for a while, I just realized HOW LUCKY I WAS to get this flat. Pretty much everyone else are paying 400 above what i pay in this neighborhood. I'm leaving on April 19th and I can check with my landlord if anyone's already taking over. I would be more than happy to hook you up with her or send some pictures (that i have already taken for my friend back in TO) from my flat.
email me if you needed help or more info, I don't get on BA Expat very often.
[email protected]
I would recommend palermo. There's plenty of places to live that are nice too, but to me this is the best spot. Holly wood is ok, but Soho is much better imo.

Craigslist seems to be the best way to avoid a "finders fee" by most of the realtor agencies here. I had one place ask me for a finders fee equivalent to 1 month's rent + pay 6 months up front. That seemed pretty ridiculous to me.

I ended up finding a place on Craigslist. I'm sure I pay more than I should, but I ended up with a decent place in Soho and a landlord that can communicate in English.