Are rents about to skyrocket?

I don’t think it really matters. If it gets too expensive, re-negotiate the lease. It’s not like people are lining up to shell out $3000 for your house in Neuquen. The economy is in recession and that means fewer renters for nice homes.
nailed it!
People who cannot afford to live in Argentina shouldn't. Why go through the financial stress and anxiety when there are so many other pleasant and affordable places to live? I often see Americans here whining about costs, whining about having to pay for the table bread, complaining about tips and arguing with the locals over prices.

If you're on a tight budget and want to live well in Latin America, there are other wonderful countries with a much lower cost-of-living; especially now in the Central American countries which are sending and encouraging their undesirables (criminals and the insane) across the U.S. southern border. For example, crime in Venezuela has fallen significantly as Maduro has emptied his jail, prison and insane asylum populations into the world's dumping ground, the United States. The same with El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua.Turn lemons into lemonade by having a better quality of life somewhere else.
Better quality of life in Central America, compared to Buenos Aires? . Agree may be cheaper BUT for those that enjoy Metropolitan Cities. Central America doesn't have it.
I am definitely here to stay. There is nothing for me in the States. Fortunately, I bought my apartment 6 years ago.
People who cannot afford to live in Argentina shouldn't. Why go through the financial stress and anxiety when there are so many other pleasant and affordable places to live? I often see Americans here whining about costs, whining about having to pay for the table bread, complaining about tips and arguing with the locals over prices.

If you're on a tight budget and want to live well in Latin America, there are other wonderful countries with a much lower cost-of-living; especially now in the Central American countries which are sending and encouraging their undesirables (criminals and the insane) across the U.S. southern border. For example, crime in Venezuela has fallen significantly as Maduro has emptied his jail, prison and insane asylum populations into the world's dumping ground, the United States. The same with El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua.Turn lemons into lemonade by having a better quality of life somewhere else.
What a truly strange comment. "People who cannot afford to live in Argentina shouldn't" - I'll be sure to inform the 57% of poor argentines that they can kindly emigrate somewhere else. Aside from telling expats on a forum dedicated to the experience of expats living here not to complain about anything, you completely gloss over the fact that not every American here is a digital nomad who can hop on a plane to dabble in some other part of the globe.

Anyone living in Argentina has the right to complain about it, in fact it's in the constitution* that unnaturalized residents can vote in provincial & municipal elections to protect this exact right. So please, don't discriminate against those who "cannot afford to live in Argentina". Wealth is not a requirement for change.
