Argentina Fatca Banking


Aug 10, 2006
Hi! I just read online that some US expats holding DNIs and bank accounts in Argentina are being asked to provide your SSN

Some expats say you do not have to give them anything, since it is Argentina banks who have signed the agreement but the country has not been able to implement it yet.

Any input / news / experiences?
Santander does this...not an issue if you file your taxes like a good citizen
Santander does this...not an issue if you file your taxes like a good citizen
Yup that is what I thought. What I can't figure out is if this comes from Afip, IRS, both?
I guess the IRS as the same I have read on Italian newspapers. From the picture in the article, it was just a standard W-9 form.
Was doing some reading, and really FATCA is astounding in how bad it is.

As a group, it's safe to say that people with money offshore know how to move it around. The chances that enough money will be recouped by this scheme to make it worthwhile is low. And in fact there is much argument that the total revenue is barely, if at all higher. Wikipedia does a fine job linking to

And the costs are huge. In the US's image worldwide, in the number of US citizens being treated like lepers in banks around the world, in the privacy implications on many levels.

And again - it's an open question whether all this will even improve the bottom line. At all this cost. Just insane.
But they are so firm about not banking with Uruguay since they've legalized pot!
Yup that is what I thought. What I can't figure out is if this comes from Afip, IRS, both?

It's an IRS form that I filled out. No reference to AFIP on the form.