Argentina makes international news for...cops beating up old people.

So many seem to base their positions on political violence, shutting down a free press, etc. based on whether the perpetrators/victims are 'left' or 'right' instead of democratic or autocratic. The ends always seem to justify the means - as long as those committing the violence, shutting down the press share the same ideology. It's why many feel that politicians and those who slavishly and unquestioningly follow them are jokes walking around with their heads up their you-know-what. Autocracy and the use of political goons are not exclusive to either the right or the left. But I'll admit it is much easier for politicians to distract and divide the public with the whole left/right dichotomy. Yet another reason to believe that no real solutions to the real issues we all face will come from politicians.

It is my considered opinion that the whole Left-Right paradigm was a 20th century way of looking at things. Today, it's just a distraction.

The great struggle of the 21st century is the ultra-rich against the rest of humanity.
It is my considered opinion that the whole Left-Right paradigm was a 20th century way of looking at things. Today, it's just a distraction.

The great struggle of the 21st century is the ultra-rich against the rest of humanity.
Rather, I think I'd say that it was a Northern Hemisphere thing. Latin American politics never really fitted into the Left-Right continuum - especially Peronism which has always been blatantly both left and right. And even in the Northern Hemisphere it seems less a straight line and more a mobius strip: the more extremely you go to the left or to the right the more you end up with the same - people picking on groups they don't like and murdering them,.