Cristina claims to represent the poor. She scoffs at the "rich" (including those who we would consider living here at a true middle class level as compared to developed countries and the true middle class here as well, both groups who are far from truly rich, although certainly much better off than the poor) and their concerns while proposing control by the government of industry and economy in many ways. Never opening up opportunities, but rather closing them in the name of the greater good.
I guess it all depends on your definition of what serves the poor, who truly never have had real representation, but rather who have been used in various manners by various politicians over the years. Whose level of existence indeed may have risen a bit over the last decade, but who are faced yet again with rising costs and, since the real poor here are not members of unions or educated well enough to get white collar or decent paying jobs or are members of the government or government workers, they are unable to keep up with inflation, unlike those mentioned who continue to get large raises.
To me, the poor are not being helped, and will never be helped, by this government's policies. I don't see much hope for the poor in Argentina, and even for the middle class, who supposedly have representation. Neither do most of my friends and acquaintances, both middle class and poor, although I do know some of both who have some vague idea that Cristina is "for the workers and the poor", well, because that's what they've heard.
Eva y Cristina dan alas a todos.
But hell, I believe in personal responsibility and helping by helping, not voting tax dollars to government entities which in the very best of circumstances is inefficient and in my personal opinion helps to destroy the self-value of individuals. I also believe that voting that money to let others do (through one-size-fits-all government agencies) what should be a more personal responsibility is too easy and lets people forget about the problem too readily - and let's things grow out of control. Exactly what many governments (the States included) want or can use to their benefit, intentionally or unintentionally.
"Emergency! There's a problem we have created and only we can solve it! But it's not our fault, it's those evil rich! Robin Hood time!" Ok, ok, I'll stop now.
Of course, for depending on personal responsibility to work, to take care of those who truly can't help themselves, you have to have a system that allows people the opportunities to worry about more than themselves and simply hang on to everything they own in a desperate attempt to stay ahead of the instability.
This government talks such things as equality, but I say - prove it. I haven't seen it. I've seen a bunch of excuses, a bunch of straw men and a bunch of propaganda, and a whole lot of blatant corruption and the ignoring of the rule of law (or the changing of laws to suit those in power), but I haven't seen any real progress. In fact I've seen the opposite in the last couple of years.
I reckon I'm about the polar opposite of a Kirchnerite. I think it even puts me to the left of them - or some other dimension. I don't like thinking in only two dimensions like "right" and "left."