Argentina small and medium size businesses face total destruction

For those who are preaching on this forum that a economic recovery is on the way . I am still waiting for one forum member to explain the economic plan of this government in clear terms.
To not be nearly the worst economy in the world for decades, hahahaha...a clear mission statement if there ever was one!
Okay @perry, I'll bite. I'm neither for nor against Milei, I'm just sitting on the sidelines and watching what happens in the world's first (I think) Libertarian, Anarcho-Capitalist state but it seems to me that just walking away, visiting your new-found high-powered world leader mates and the odd rabbi and leaving the country to sort out its own mess as best it can without you could be the very definition of Libertarian Anarcho-Capitalism.
To not be nearly the worst economy in the world for decades, hahahaha...a clear mission statement if there ever was one!
Rob how long have you lived in Argentina ? Under Nestor Kirchner Argentina had a booming economy . He paid the imf in full and the argentinian worker was the highest paid of latín america . The economic growth was over 6 percent per year under his government . Busineses were making great money and the cost of living very low
Yep. Stand back Jack..... total devastation is on it's way, a Mad Max dystopia looms. And, thanks to the unique monetary and fiscal malfeasance of a certain Javier G. 'Motosierra' Milei, Argentina will soon resemble a southern cone sized version of northern Gaza. Whatever is left of northern Gaza. The clutching of pearls and wringing of hands by people who never should have ventured beyond their neighborhoods 'back home' is always amusing.

The Buenos Aires Herald is mental grist for the same mindset which fervently believe the buffoonery and mendacity of MSNBC or CNN in the United States. The same amusing mindset which impels economic refugees to flee 'back home' and seek financial refuge in Latin America for the personal benefit of 50 cent empanadas. Only to whine and wail when they cost 90 cents. Because, well.... it's not that the currency has been devalued for decades by socialists printing fiat paper it's, well, the fault of Sr./Sra. ____

As my Argentino friends say upon hearing Americans complaining about this or that, "Boludo/a, there are flights out of Ezeiza every day. Nobody needs you here." I love hearing that. I have great friends here.
Actually, there have been a few short periods of time the economy of Argentina has been good during the last many decades... unfortunately it is for short periods of time. The point is the last administration was a disaster... running the printing presses at full steam. It was a choice between that sxxt show and a new choice. He will have problems implementing most things without congressional's been six months. There will be another election before his term is up.
By the way, I dislike his social agenda and attacking foreign governments you don't like...I'd love him to stick to the economy but doubt he will.
Rob how long have you lived in Argentina ? Under Nestor Kirchner Argentina had a booming economy . He paid the imf in full and the argentinian worker was the highest paid of latín america . The economic growth was over 6 percent per year under his government . Busineses were making great money and the cost of living very low
Yes, Nestor Kirchner paid the IMF. Why? Because he had no choice.

Neither did Mr. Tough Guy, Axel Kicilloff, until court after court slapped him down and the penalties and interest increased. That was funny. Paul Singer played Kicilloff as the fool he is.
Yes, Nestor Kirchner paid the IMF. Why? Because he had no choice.

Neither did Mr. Tough Guy, Axel Kicilloff, until court after court slapped him down and the penalties and interest increased. That was funny. Paul Singer played Kicilloff as the fool he is.

I never thought I'd hear someone in these forums cheering for Paul Singer, but there it is.

For the record, it's "Kicillof", with only a single F. His doctoral thesis was "Genesis and structure of the General Theory of Lord Keynes".

Whatever else he may be, the man is certainly not a fool. Personally, I admire him very much.
I am still waiting for one forum member to explain the economic plan of this government in clear terms.
The solution isn't complicated. Argentina just needs to live within its means and create a business climate conducive to the creation of goods and services that constitute national wealth. Exactly what the government here in Taiwan is doing very successfully with almost no natural resources to make the job easier.

Milei's problem is he's only doing the first half - forcing Argentinians to live within their means - so far. If he doesn't create a functioning economic system soon which promotes the production of wealth then Argentinians are going to clamor for a return to a lifestyle fueled by debt and peso printing.