Argentina's Atlantis

Thanks for sharing! Wow those are amazing photos. Where exactly is this in Argentina?
Got no desire to see that, too similar to areas in Sri Lanka after the tsunami... not a fan of disaster tourism...
It looks interesting, and I am sure that there will be some people who try to profit off it and turn it into a tourist destination. But its a long way away. I imagine that theres not a lot of people who are willing to take an entire day in a car or bus just to see that.
hmm love it! perfect transition.
it's probably chilly this tiem of the year though but I'd love to kayak around the ruins. thank you so very much for this info.

deeve you were in the holy island during the tsunami, you rock!
va2ba said:
It looks interesting, and I am sure that there will be some people who try to profit off it and turn it into a tourist destination..

Can't wait! Hope they rent kayaks....