Reparations are an excellent idea, just and fair! It is obvious to any non-racist, thinking human that any Argentine of African or Indigenous decent has been historically oppressed and they and their descendants should be fairly compensated by the Argentine government for the historic pain, suffering and exploitation by Argentina and the descendants of their exploiters, primarily Argentines of European decent.
However, there is even a greater injustice that should concurrently be addressed with reparations, namely the historic and ongoing exploitation of all native Argentines by rapacious so called foreign "expats", who have taken advantage of and exploited the native Argentine labour, resources and national currency for their own selfish ends.
Is not every Argentine property occupied by an expat neo-conquistador with their weaponised and privileged “hard” currency one less property available to a dispossessed native Argentine? Have you not seen the resulting homeless Argentines forced to live in poverty on the streets of their own capital?
Not content to force Argentina to export its best beef, wine and the other fruits of their labour to satiate the unreasonable and anti-humanitarian demands of the international debt vultures who forced the Argentine people to submit to their debt enslavement, the so called “expat” colonizers siphon off the best of remaining goods and services left in the country directly from the mouths of the hungry native population.
It pains me to even mention the fate of the many unfortunate individual Argentines trapped and forced into menial servitude as maids, doormen, parking attendants, gardeners and other below living wage slaves for the exploitive expat class. Even the very culture of Argentina is colonized, with asados and milongas tokenized by culturally appropriative expats and native Argentines herded into foreign language schools and forced to adopt to alien foreign customs such as veganism, reggaeton and yoga.
There is only one just solution to this history of exploitation and abuse, expats must compensate the Argentines for their complicit role in Argentina's historic oppression! Why not cut out the middle-man and have the expat community directly compensate the most exploited of the exploited, namely those Argentines of African or Indigenous descent or other historically marginalized minorities such as the transgendered community. Every right thinking expat should recognize their own complicity and fragility and pledge publicly to directly contribute financially to righting these historic injustices! Its only fair and just!