The hourly wage in dollars in the USA is not really the point- its the comparison between cost of livings, vs salaries, that I find interesting. As of about 2 months ago, the average wage earner in Buenos Aires would have to spend 47% of their salary to rent an apartment at current market price in BA.
And, guess what- the average wage earner in New York City has to spend- wait for it- 47% of their salary to rent an apartment in NYC.
And this ratio applies to a lot of US cities as well.
The higher salaries are offset by much much higher prices. I have a son in NYC right now, and he has to hustle to pay the rent, in an apt shared with others. It aint the land of milk and honey, streets paved with gold, that many Argentines imagine.
Of course, there is more poverty in BA than there used to be, and of course, I am not saying the economic situation in Argentina is not dire.
BUT- for those of you who havent been living in the US lately, the poverty in the US is bad and getting worse. Spending power of salaries is not good. The inflation, globally, is pretty horrible, and while Argentina has many many problems, it is far from unique in them- most of them are present, in varying degrees, all over the globe.