Argentine Transportation Minister Dies Driving National Route 7 to Junín.

Ruta 7 project started under Nestor 2007 ?, to make it an Autovia with separate 2 paved lanes up to Junin 268 KMTS . Stil is not completed in it`s entirety.

Ruta 7 Giles to Junin
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"This section is located seventh in the danger index of Buenos Aires: on average in the last 4 years there have been 2 accidents per month and 3 victims. In addition, 27 claims were recorded per year. These numbers are 3 times higher than the rest of Route 7 in Buenos Aires.

Traffic accident characteristics in the San Andrés de Giles Junin section:

68% of claims occur by collision with another vehicle,
14% collision with another object,
11% confusion,
7% the reason is unknown.

88% of claims occur on the straight road
5% on the curve
5% an the intersection
2% at the junction with the railroad

67% of claims occur during the day.

Vehicles involved in claims:
70% are cars,
17% cargo vehicles
12% motorcycles
1% passenger service.

Source: Ministry of Transport of Argentina.