Argentines loves running red lights


Apr 7, 2008
Please beware of opposite red light running, they will stop most of the time when the lights turn red, but they will start again before it turns green and if you are driving thru yellow green you will hit the bastards. also beware of the buses, they will run you off your lane without thinking twice. Why are they in such a hurry?
"DA" said:
Please beware of opposite red light running, they will stop most of the time when the lights turn red, but they will start again before it turns green and if you are driving thru yellow green you will hit the bastards. also beware of the buses, they will run you off your lane without thinking twice. Why are they in such a hurry?
Are you driving at night? In some areas, red lights are regarded as a yield sign, from the right, you have the right of way. In Capital, you have to be VERY agressive, Argentines know about the law but NOBODY REALLY follows it, unless there's a cop at the corner and where there are cameras. ;-)
I just started driving here a few days ago, what a nightmare. Where are the cameras? and what are they there for?
Yes you are right about the red light for yield, but how are you suppose to know when it is stop or yield?
You must apply the rule of the person with the shittiest car has the right of way.
"DA" said:
Yes you are right about the red light for yield, but how are you suppose to know when it is stop or yield?

In a "dangerous area," it's a yield at night. You'd have to use your own judgment on this one. For the most part, it's a stop on busy streets like 9 de Julio. Cameras are usually on busy intersections and on some rutas.
Drivinng in Argentina for most expats is a nightmare for the non-iniated . Completely disregard for normal road rules and careless driving are very common on late night roads.
I hope that Macri changes this culture of utter selfishness prevalent here. People complain here about crime when the reality is the biggest weapon is the car with more than 10 times the death by motor vehicle than by crime.
I am all for Traffic Police handing out fines and also impoundment of vehicles that infringe peoples rights of safety.
Driving here is no different, if not, worse than driving in NYC. I have a car but I'm traveling by colectivos & subte when I'm in Capital. For long distance driving, it's a bit more like driving through Canada, most rutas have 2 lanes going in each direction and sometimes no shoulders or medians. Argentine drivers are definitely more agrressive than NYC drivers. I'm quite surprised that nobody has gotten out of their cars and started trading blows like they do in NYC or has taken their guns out like Los Angeles. You could say that it's a different kind of road rage. =)
Yes, red lights are often regarded as yield signs and pedestrians and their kids are regarded as about as important as using a garbage can. theyll swerve around a pot hole, yet zip around a corner and with a mean grin speed right towards you as you complete crossing the street. the police will turn the other way.
"Mike1" said:
Driving here is no different, if not, worse than driving in NYC. I have a car but I'm traveling by colectivos & subte when I'm in Capital. For long distance driving, it's a bit more like driving through Canada, most rutas have 2 lanes going in each direction and sometimes no shoulders or medians. Argentine drivers are definitely more agrressive than NYC drivers. I'm quite surprised that nobody has gotten out of their cars and started trading blows like they do in NYC or has taken their guns out like Los Angeles. You could say that it's a different kind of road rage. =)
You have to be kidding.
I have lived and driven in both LA and NYC and neither, under any circumstances is even close to the danger of driving in BA.
Red is never a caution. Red means full stop. Argentines invent rules to compensate for stupidity, ignorance and lack of care. You can't rack up the world's number one death toll per cap without those 3 elements in play.