Artist Alex Grey In BA!

Hey, thanks for the heads-up, with enough time to plan accordingly, will put it on the calendar. :)

Lee said:
The amazing artist Alex Grey is going to be in Buenos Aires giving a lecture and even a live demonstration of his painting technique in a 3 day series. May 20 - 22.

For those unfamiliar with his work see this link:

For those interested in tickets see this link:

I have been a fan of his for a long time and I am really looking forward to this opportunity!
Agreed. I was first introduced to him through the "tool" album artwork. In a way the artwork is nearly better than the music. ha. I have not seen all of his collections nor do i know entirely about him but VERY MUCH SO look forward to seeing him and even more hearing what he has to say. Clearly a creative genius.
Wow, I love Alex Grey. It is a bit expensive, but i would really like to go.
I totally relate to his way of seeing the world after dreaming with the Vine.
Wow, that is awesome. Thanks for sharing this news, Alex Grey is *amazing*!! Anybody know if there is otherwise going to be an exhibition of his works while he's in town?